
Transformative Teaching & Learning

The Transformative Teaching & Learning Funds (TTLF) aim to strengthen collaborative, research-informed curriculum and teaching innovation and communities of practice; enhance our capacity to deliver high quality education both in person and online; advance institutional commitments to inclusive teaching and learning; and facilitate initiatives related to experiential learning and global classrooms.

TTLF represents a consolidation and enhancement of previous funding initiatives managed through the Centre for Teaching & Learning and the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean. This overarching framework is comprised of three pillars:

Teaching Enhancement Grants (TEG) are offered through the Centre for Teaching & Learning, in partnership with Information & Instructional Technology Services (IITS), to support innovative and pedagogically-impactful projects and pilots within courses. These small scale grants are aimed at creating positive changes for the student learning experience. First Round: application opens early September, with the deadline to apply mid-October. Second Round: application opens early January, with the deadline to apply mid-March.

The Experiential Learning Fund (ELF) offers dedicated resources that support new and developing experiential curricular and co-curricular initiatives that integrate program curricula and align with faculty teaching and research interests. Application opens end of January, with the deadline to apply early April.

The Pedagogies for Inclusive Excellence (PIE) fund provides support for the implementation of the recommended actions of the Campus Curriculum Review Working Circle, advancing equity-based, holistic, accessible, anti-racist, and anti-colonial pedagogies and curricular development. Proposals must extend beyond a single department, developing cross-campus partnerships and/or bridging the campus and the broader community. Application opens end of November, with the deadline to apply beginning of March.


For more information about eligibility, deadlines, and online application processes for each funding pillar, select from one of the following: