
Campus Teaching Farm

Faculty are invited to consider the Campus Farm for their course(s). The site provides faculty with unique opportunities for experiential learning as the farm is used as an outdoor classroom for lectures, seminars, tutorials, hands-on workshops, class field trips, and more.

The Call for Campus Farm Project Applications is now open for the 2024 Growing Season. Questions about how the farm can support your course, can be directed to undergrad.initiatives.utsc@utoronto.ca.   

Located on the north side of campus, east of the Toronto Pan-Am Sports Centre, and beyond the Morningside Athletic Fields, the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 Campus Farm is a 10-acre brownfield site. The Teaching Farm includes 30 raised planting beds and Indigenous Garden.

Looking forward to planting seedlings of experiential learning next spring!

Professor Suzanne Sicchia

Acting Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning, & Undergraduate Programs