
Professional Academic Coaching for Faculty FAQ

How do I apply as a faculty member? As a faculty member serving as an academic administrator?

Faculty not currently serving as academic administrators should apply via the online  Faculty currently serving as academic administrators should email DeanHR.utsc@utoronto.ca 

How can I learn more about coaching? 

Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean (OVPD) resources available online include: 

  • Recommended articles 
  • Video of a 2022 Information Session held at UTSC (Zoom recording) 

Contact Eileen Egan-Lee, Faculty Development Administrator, at DeanHR.utsc@utoronto.ca

Do I need to confirm a coach before applying to the PACF? 

We understand that finding an appropriate match can take some time.  If you do not have a name of a coach, or company, you would like to work with at the time of application that is okay. If you would like help connecting with a coach, please indicate this on your application form and feel free to reach out to DeanHR.utsc@utoronto.ca

I’m looking for a coach – can you help me get started? 

We drew on a Google search to provide some examples of coaches/companies in the initial call in 2021 and updated it to include additional names of coaches that faculty have subsequently worked with or that offer coaching for neurodiverse needs; there are many more possibilities. Faculty are encouraged to explore these and other options to find a good fit for them. If a suitable match with a traditional coach is not found, faculty may wish to explore working with someone highly developed in their field who can provide coaching to meet their personal career goals.  

  •  (page includes bios for coaches)
  •  -
  •  (Canada)
  •  (SoTL, Students as Partners, Canada)
  •  -  (Canada)
  • (Canada, women in science)
  •  (Canada)
  • ( profile)
  • (strategies to support ADHD, Canada)
  • (work/life balance, Canada) 
  • (leadership coaching, Canada)

How would coaches get paid? 

PACF funding will be transferred to the Principal Investigator (PI) accounts of successful applicants.  Award recipients will pay the coach directly from their PI account, and upload receipts/paid invoices to the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean with the exit report (instructions will be provided in award letters).  Any funds not used by the deadline outlined in the recipient’s award letter will be pulled back to the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean. 

What selection criteria are used when reviewing PACF applications?  

A. Successfully funded applications will align with the goal of the fund - working 1-on-1 on personal /professional development to support faculty in their academic roles, including, but not limited to: time management, work-life balance, prioritizing tasks/responsibilities, leadership development, setting up processes for writing, working with personal neurodiverse needs.  Preference will be given to those who have not previously received a PACF award.

What expenses are not eligible? 

A. Items that are ineligible for this fund include editing services, conference registration, memberships to professional organizations, equipment, salaries for research assistants, group mentoring, etc.  Funds are available to cover the cost of one-on-one coaching sessions. 

When will funds be available and for how long?  

Award letters will be distributed mid-March, with funds transferred to PI accounts before the end of March.  Funds not spent by November 30, 2024 will be pulled back to the OVPD.