
Suma Philip

Suma Philip standing in hallway in front of windows
Executive Assistant to the Vice-Deans


Key Responsibilities:

  • Provide administrative, organizational support and project support to Jessica Fields (Vice-Dean Faculty Affairs, Equity & Success), Rene Harrison (Vice-Dean Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies), Karen McCrindle (Acting Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Programs), Suzanne Sicchia (Acting Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Programs) and David Zweig (Vice-Dean Recruitment, Enrolment & Student Success)  
  • Work with and provide administrative support to the portfolio managers under each Vice-Dean
  • Provide committee support and take minutes at during meetings & working groups chaired by the Vice-Deans; 
  • Draft and prepare correspondence & documents for the Vice-Deans (including endorsement letters)
  • Identify and implement processes and systems to increase efficiency of the office 
  • Assist the Manager of Operations in the creation of operational guidelines and processes
  • Event planning and management 
  • Supervise the OVPD Co-op student supporting the Operations Team

As Executive Assistant to the Vice-Deans, Suma Philip provides scheduling and administrative support to: the Vice-Dean Faculty Affairs, Equity & Success, the Vice-Dean Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, the Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Programs, and the Vice-Dean Recruitment, Enrolment & Student Success.

Ms. Philip brings to the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean many years of experience working as an Executive Assistant in executive offices at Toronto hospitals, including the Vice-President, Clinical at the University Health Network.  She holds a Bachelor in Health Administration from Ryerson University and has completed the Project Management Certificate from Centennial College.