
November 9, 2021 - Art, the Suburbs, and You

Executive Director and Chief Curator Ann MacDonal

Abstract: Join artists Esmond Lee, Ebti Nabag, and Kachely Peters as they present on their socially- engaged work and together discuss why they make art, why you matter to them as an audience, and what they hope to achieve. The conversation will be introduced and facilitated by Doris McCarthy Gallery Executive Director and Chief Curator, Ann MacDonald, and there will be time for questions from the audience.

Ann MacDonald: is the Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Doris McCarthy Gallery. She is honoured to work and to continually learn alongside artists and creatives who are building worlds within the walls of the gallery but also extending their messaging into communities.

Great Explorations, is a series of academic discussions we hope will inspire our communities. Our special thanks to our engaged, critical thinkers who attend our speaker series. The dialogues that came out of these talks, both in-person and online via Zoom, are integral to our campus community and Scarborough communities at large. We welcome your input for future topics, as well as a review of previous recorded sessions available on YouTube.