
Student Leadership Positions

The department offers students opportunities to further develop their leadership abilities. Current students may assume leadership roles to represent and mentor their peers in various capacities, as described below. All students will be notified via email when positions become vacant. Interested students are encouraged to email clinicalpsych.utsc@utoronto.ca briefly outlining your interest in the position and qualifications. Please ensure that your supervisor(s) are in agreement that you can dedicate the time to the position. It is good practice to cc' your supervisor(s) on the email. 

Role Descriptions:

Student AmbassadorThe student in this position represents the program both within the University of Toronto system and the broader community; attends recruitment events to promote graduate training in Clinical Psychology at UTSC; meets with incoming graduate students during orientation activities; and works alongside administrative support staff to plan and coordinate social events for Interview Day.

MA/PhD Graduate Student Representatives: The students in these positions attend clinical psychology faculty meetings; serve as faculty liaisons, representing needs of MA & PhD clinical students; provides a regular line of communication between students, faculty and administrators; meet on a monthly basis with the Program Coordinator to develop effective strategies to manage student concerns; and co-chair sessional student meetings with the Program Coordinator.

Inclusivity Committee Member: The student in this position will work alongside faculty and staff to coordinate the annual Invited Diversity Speaker Series (which will include identifying interesting and relevant speakers and helping to coordinate logistics) and overall, working to ensure an inclusive environment for all department members.

Academic Appeals Committee Members: The Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee is responsible for reviewing formal complaints from students regarding substantive or procedural academic matters. The student in this position, along with the alternate member, are normally chosen by fellow graduate students. 

Professional Development & Seminars/Workshop Committee Member: The student in this position will work alongside faculty and staff to identify, organize and promote academic events that will enhance our training program and connect the department to the broader clinical psychology community. 

Social and Wellness Coordinator(s): The students in this position will organize 1-2 social and wellness events per term for MA & PhD clinical psychology students. These events will be designed by the Coordinator(s) to foster a sense of community, both on and off campus, and to help achieve a balance of wellness with academic life. The coordinator will liaise with the student body to plan events that are in-line with student interests and preferences.

Current Positions:

Student Ambassador: Melanie Mascarenhas
Graduate Student Representatives: Sylvia Romanowska, Maya Amestoy
Inclusivity Committee Members: Shreya Jagtap, Aqsa Zahid
Academic Appeals Committee Members: Jacob Koudys, Maya Amestoy (alternate)
Professional Development & Seminars/Workshop Committee Member: Orly Lipsitz
Social and Wellness Coordinator(s): Danika Quesnel, Shreya Jagtap