
Courses Overview

We offer a breadth of courses spanning the various areas of Psychology and Neuroscience. A full list of course descriptions is available in .

Psychology Courses

A-level Courses

We offer two first-year Psychology courses, PSYA01 and PSYA02, which provide a general overview of topics in the discipline.  Completion of both courses is required to continue with Psychology courses in subsequent years. These are large courses, with an option to complete most of the coursework online (with the exception of exams.)

B-level Courses

Students begin to develop core skills in the discipline. Courses in statistics and research methods are offered, along with at least one broad content course from each subdiscipline of Psychology.  Our numbering system for the subdisciplines of Psychology are introduced at the B-level:

  • 10-series: Social Psychology (how socio-cultural influences affect us)
  • 20-series: Developmental Psychology (how individuals change over time)
  • 30-series: Clinical Psychology (diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders)
  • 50-series: Cognitive Neuroscience (the biology of the mind)
  • 60-series: Behavioural Neuroscience (physiological and genetic influences on behaviour)
C-level Courses

At the C-level, course topics become more specific, and class sizes are much smaller. Completion of the B-level introductory courses now leads to many C-level options on more nuanced subject matter. Research skills continue to be developed in statistics, methods, and laboratory courses. There is also the opportunity to complete a supervised study project with a UTSC Psychology Faculty member, through the PSYC90/PSYC93 courses.

D-level Courses

At the D-level, we offer seminar-style classes that are restricted to 24 students per course. Students engage deeply with the particular course topic, writing substantial papers, giving presentations, and leading discussions.  There is also the opportunity to complete an undergraduate thesis project at the D-level, through the PSYD98 course.

Neuroscience Courses

A-level Courses

Neuroscience is a highly interdisciplinary subject, and students in the Neuroscience programs will take courses from within our department, and outside of it. We offer two first-year Psychology courses, PSYA01 and PSYA02, which provide a general overview of topics in the discipline. Students interested in pursuing a program in Neuroscience must also take introductory courses in Biology and Chemistry. Students interested in pursuing a Specialist must also take Math.

B-level Courses

We offer two foundational neuroscience courses: NROB60: Neuroanatomy Laboratory, and NROB61: Neurophysiology.  Students will also continue to take required courses in Biology and Psychology, which will collectively serve as prerequisites to a number of more advanced courses at the C-level.  These courses will also help Specialist students to decide which stream to pursue: Systems/Behavioural neuroscience, Cellular/Molecular neuroscience, or Cognitive neuroscience.

C-level Courses

At the C-level, course topics become more specific, and class sizes are much smaller. Students in the Specialist program will now have selected their specific stream, and will take courses specific to their subdiscipline. Research skills continue to be developed in statistics, methods, and laboratory courses. There is also the opportunity to complete a supervised study project with a UTSC Psychology Faculty member, through the NROC90/NROC93 courses.

D-level Courses

At the D-level, we offer seminar-style classes that are restricted to 24 students per course. Students engage deeply with the particular course topic, writing substantial papers, giving presentations, and leading discussions.  There is also the opportunity to complete an undergraduate thesis project at the D-level, through the NROD98 course.

Important Websites

Rules, regulations, program information, and course listings
UTSC Timetable Course schedules for the current and upcoming terms
Experiential Learning Experiential learning opporunities for UTSC students
Syllabus Archive Archive of syllabi from UTSC Psychology and Neuroscience courses
Course & program planning, enrollment policies, research course applications, and more