
Graduate Funding and Awards

UTSC Campus students walking

Funding for GD-PCS Students

Students enrolled in the MA and PhD programs receive a financial assistance package based on a combination of components (e.g., scholarships, fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships). For the 2024-25 academic year, current students in good academic standing are offered a guaranteed minimum funding package of $23,500 plus tuition and incidental fees each year for a total of 6 years (2 MA years and 4 PhD years). Beyond the guaranteed minimum funding package, students are highly encouraged to apply for all external funding sources for which they are eligible. 

In 2023-24, the ranges and average funding packages were as follows:
MA Level (2 yrs) - Range: $31,571.28 - $40,751.28  (2023-24 average = $36,161.28)
PhD Level (4 yrs) - Range: $31,571.28 - $51,429.20 (2022-23 average = $41,500.24)

Important Award Dates & Deadlines

Please refer to the Graduate Awards Office of the School of Graduate Studies 2024-25 Important Dates and Deadlines document for upcoming award competitions. Note that the dates contained within this document are subject to change prior to the release of an Award Announcement finalizing the details of the award. You may consult with clinicalpsych.utsc@utoronto.ca if you have questions about an award deadline. 

Information on Graduating Funding & Award Applications

Current and prospective students can apply for a Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) using the , which is used for all three federal agencies (CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC). In your application, you must indicate the tri-council agency most appropriate to the research that you propose to carry out with your supervisor(s) (or proposed supervisor(s), for prospective students). To determine whether your research is eligible for an award from CIHR, SSHRC or NSERC, please see visit the .

Guidelines for the Eligibility of Applications in Psychology

In addition to the above mentioned guidelines for research related to health, applicants should consider the following guidelines in their decision to apply to a federal granting agency if their research is in the field of psychology:

  • SSHRC considers eligible applications within the broad areas of social, industrial, developmental, personality and educational psychology. SSHRC also considers eligible proposals related to theory and methods in these areas. SSHRC does not support clinically-oriented research, with a health intent or research involving clinical trials. 
  • NSERC considers eligible applications that relate to fundamental psychological processes, their underlying neural mechanisms, their development within individuals, and their evolutionary and ecological context. Fundamental processes are understood to include:
    • Sensation and perception;
    • Sensorimotor integration;
    • Motivation, emotion and reward;
    • Learning and memory;
    • Cognition and language;
    • Sleep, arousal and the chronobiological modulation of behaviour; and,
    • Statistical methods for analysis of psychological data.
  • NSERC does not support clinically-oriented research.
  • CIHR supports all research in psychology that has direct relevance to or ultimate impact on human health.

If you are interested in conducting research solely with one or more Core Clinical Faculty Members, you should indicate either the CIHR or SSCHRC in your CGS application. If you are interested in co-supervision by a Core Clinical Faculty Member and an Associate Member, your research may be eligible for NSERC. Please contact your current/ prospective supervisor(s) if you require assistance when preparing your award application and determining which tri-council agency your proposed research is best suited. For more information about the CGS program, please visit:  or . 

Throughout the academic year, the School of Graduate Studies sends out award announcements as their application deadlines approach. Specific questions regarding awards administered by SGS should be directed to:

Graduate Awards Office, School of Graduate Studies

63 St. George Street, Room 202

University of Toronto M5S 2Z9

Tel: 416-946-0808, Fax: 416 971-2864,


The following is a list of resources that you may find helpful:

Government Sponsored Student Loan