
Pedagogical Innovation

 is an online peer-evaluation system that provides pedagogically advanced way of teaching thinking and communication skills in any size classroom. The system relies on peer-evaluation, which means that once students write their own response to some written assignment, they then log back into the system and mark the assignments submitted by a subset of their peers (anonymously, with assignments randomly assigned to markers). During this marking phase students see well-written pieces and poorly written pieces, and they are asked to discriminate between them via a marking rubric that is provided. This gives students direct experience with critical analysis tools that they can later apply to their own thoughts and writing, and is generally considered a superior learning approach relative to the standard "expert marker" approach (i.e., having a TA or professor do the marking).
 is an online assessment and learning tool for multiple choice quizzes and exams. It implements a multi-phase pedagogical process based on educational research, and is designed to not only assess students' knowledge, but to also help them learn the material while correcting misconceptions. When students have completed the activity, the instructor has an accurate assessment of the students' knowledge, and students have a greater understanding of the material.`

The Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial uses the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to discuss common questions and issues that can lead to plagiarism, including (a) failure to properly cite sources, (b) citing sources before examining that source, (c) over-reliance on the words or organizational structure of someone else’s work, (d) overuse of other people’s work, at the expense of one’s own contributions, and (e) self-plagiarism. Students learn how to correct these errors as they progress through five sections of the tutorial: (1) What is plagiarism? (2) Citing sources using APA style, (3) Paraphrasing information, (4) Making it your own, and (5) Preparing a list of references. The tutorial, along with a quiz and answer key, have been published as a peer reviewed teaching resource with the .

Bramesfeld, K. D. (2020; 2014). Plagiarism prevention tutorial: How to avoid common forms of plagiarism(Updated to reflect the 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual). [Refereed teaching resource]. Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Resources for Teachers of Psychology. Retrieved from 


The Game of Social Life started out as a poverty simulation board game designed to teach students about the psychological consequences and opportunity costs of poverty. The original game was published as a peer-reviewed teaching resource with the Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology (TRAILS; see ). An evaluation of that game was published in the referred journal,Teaching of Sociology (see ).

Based on its success, I created the Game of Social Life: Intersectionality Awareness Game.  The game expands upon the original poverty simulation board game to teach about the numerous ways that poverty intersects with social class, race, ethnicity, citizenship, gender, sexual identity, and disability to impact education, health, wellbeing, economic access, and power. The strategy game can be implemented in small and large enrollment settings using a PowerPoint presentation and printed score sheets. The game resources have been published as a peer-reviewed teaching resource with the Society for Teaching of Psychology (STP; see ). An evaluation of the game has been published in the refereed journal, Teaching of Psychology (see ).