
Andrew Cooper

Andrew Cooper
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
(416) 287-7092
Building HW 507


Andrew Cooper completed his PhD in Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, and postdoctoral training at Case Western Reserve University. His clinical research has primarily focused on examining how and for whom cognitive behavioural therapies work best. Specific areas of interest include processes and predictors of change in exposure therapy for PTSD, and novel approaches to predicting and attenuating risk of attrition. His teaching interests include psychotherapy outcomes, exposure therapy, methods and analyses used in contemporary research, and current issues and controversies in clinical psychology. He is also interested in applied research aimed at enhancing student success by predicting outcomes, and developing innovative methods of preparing students for graduate school. 

Dr. Cooper does not provide research supervision to graduate students.

Research Interests

PTSD; cognitive behavioral therapy; psychotherapy change processes; attrition; prediction of outcomes