
Len Tsuji

Len Tsuji
Telephone number
Building HL 250


  • Ph.D., Department of Biology, York University
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto
  • B.Sc, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto




  • 2003-2010 Member of the University of Waterloo Institute of Health Informatics Research
  • 1988-present Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario

Editorial Boards

  • 2007-Present Editorial Board Member The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 
  • 2003-2007 Associate Editor The Canadian Journal of Native Studies


Research Interests

  • Environment and Health
  • Northern Environmental Issues
  • Indigenous Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Change 
  • Environmental Outreach



·       Whitelaw, G.S., McCarthy, D.D., Tsuji, L.J.S. (in press) The Victor diamond mine environmental assessment process: a critical First Nation perspective. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal Journal.

·       McCarthy, D.D., Whitelaw, G.S., Tsuji, L.J.S. (in press) The Victor Diamond Mine Environmental Assessment and the Mushkegowuk First Nations: Critical Systems Thinking, Social Justice, Environmental Management and First Nations. Can J Native Studies.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Gomez, N., Mitrovica, J.X. and R. Kendall  (in press) Post-glacial isostatic adjustment and global warming in sub-arctic Canada: implications for islands of the James Bay region. Arctic. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Jayasinghe, R.K., VanSpronsen, E.P., and E.N. Liberda (2009) Determining Tissue-Lead Levels in Large Game Mammals Harvested with Lead Bullets: Human Health Concerns. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 82:435-439.

·       Wainman, B., Thompson, C., Kesner, J., Martin, I., Meadows, J., Krieg, E., and L. Tsuji (2008) Effects of organohalogens and metals on the menstrual cycle of the Cree of James Bay. Organohalogen Compounds. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D., Sutherland, C., Weber, J-P., Dumas, P. and E. Nieboer (2008) Lead shot contribution to blood lead of First Nations People: The use of lead isotopes to identify the source of exposure. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.06.048

·       Fahey, N.S., Karagatzides, J.D., and L.J.S. Tsuji (2008) Soil and vegetation bismuth content following experimental deposition of bismuth pellets in a south-eastern Ontario wetland. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. DOI: 10.1039/B801535J 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S. and I.D. Martin (2008) The use of leeches to monitor aquatic PCB contamination at Mid-Canada radar line site 050: Four years post-remediation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-008-0332-4. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D., Sutherland, C., Weber, J-P, Dumas, P., and E. Nieboer (2008) The identification of lead ammunition as a source of lead exposure in First Nations: the use of lead isotope ratios. Science of the Total Environment. 393:291-298. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., B.C. Wainman, I.D. Martin, J-P. Weber, C. Sutherland, E.N. Liberda and E. Nieboer (2008) Elevated blood-lead levels in First Nation People of northern Ontario, Canada: policy implications. Bull Environ Contamination and Toxicology. 80:14-18. 

·       Kreager, K., Wainman, B.C., Jayasinghe, R.K. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2008) Lead pellet ingestion and liver-lead concentrations in upland game birds from southern Ontario, Canada. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 54:331-336. 

·       McCreanor, L., Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D. and J-P. Weber (2008) The use of leeches and logit log-linear contingency models to assess and monitor aquatic PCB contamination originating from Mid-Canada Radar Line Site 050. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 140:211-222. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Martin, I.D., Martin, E.S., LeBlanc, A. and P. Dumas (2007) Spring-harvested game birds in the Western James Bay region of Northern Ontario, Canada: the amount of organochlorines in matched samples of breast muscle, skin, and abdominal fat. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-0062-z. 

·       Karagatzides, J.D., Kyser, T.K., Akeson, L., Fahey, N.S.C., and L.J.S. Tsuji (2007) Dendrochemical evidence for mobilization of bismuth from bismuth shot-shell pellets in acidified soils of south-eastern Ontario, Canada. Dendrochronologia. DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2007.04.002. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S. and B. Katapatuk (2007) Improving community health through continuity of treatment: A case study of dental services in the Mushkegowuk Territory and the natural progression towards community-based dental therapy. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 27:19-34. 

·       VanSpronsen, E.P., L.J.S. Tsuji, H. Manson, J. Shecapio-Blacksmith and T. Rabbitskin (2007) Using Traditional Environmental Knowledge and a geographical information system to identify sites of potential environmental concern in the traditional territory of the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 27:181-198. 

·       Liberda, E., Tsuji, L.J.S. and B.C. Wainman (2007) Is there a need to revise Health Canada’s human PCB guidelines? Canadian Journal of Public Health 98:407-411. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Martin, I.D., Martin, E.S., LeBlanc, A. and P. Dumas (2007) Spring-harvested game birds from the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada: Organochlorine concentrations in breast muscle. Science of the Total Environment. 385:160-171. 

·       Sutherland, C., Skinner, K., Hanning, R.M., Montgomery, M., and L.J.S. Tsuji (2007) A Cree perspective on gathering community input for physical activity programming in the Mushkegowuk Territory. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Community Health. 5:169-184. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Manson, H., Wainman, B.C., Vanspronsen, E.P., Shecapio-Blacksmith, J. and T. Rabbitskin. (2007). Identifying potential receptors and routes of contaminant exposure in the traditional territory of the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree: Land use and a geographical information system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 127:293-306. 

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D., Weber, J-P, Sutherland, C. and E. Nieboer. (2006) Abandoned Mid-Canada Radar Line Sites in the Western James Region of Northern Ontario, Canada: A Source of Organochlorines for First Nations People? Science of the Total Environment. 370:452-466.

·       Fahey, N.S.C. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2006) Is there a need to re-examine the approval of bismuth shotshell as a non-toxic alternative to lead based on the precautionary principle? Journal of Environmental Monitoring 8:1190-1194.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Cooper, K. and H. Manson (2006) Utilization of land use data to identify issues of concern related to contamination at Site 050 of the Mid-Canada Radar Line. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 25:142-154.

·       Sistili, B., Metatawabin, M, Iannucci, G. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2006) An Aboriginal perspective of the remediation of Mid-Canada Radar Line sites in the sub-Arctic: A partnership evaluation. Arctic. 59:142-154..

·       Skinner, K., Hanning, R.H., and L.J.S. Tsuji (2006) A qualitative exploration of the barriers and supports for the healthy eating and physical activity in First Nation youth living in a remote sub-arctic community. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 65:148-161.

·       Liberda, E., Tsuji, L.J.S., Ryan, J.J. and Wainman, B.C. (2005) Determination of PBDEs in a sub-arctic First Nation population. Organohalogen Compounds 67:529-532.

·       Ho, E., Tsuji, L.J.S., and W.A Gough (2005) Trends in River-Ice Break-up Data for the Western James Bay Region of Canada. Polar Geography. 29:291-299.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D., Weber, J-P, Sutherland, C. and E. Nieboer (2005) Elevated levels of PCBs in First Nation communities of the western James Bay Region of northern Ontario, Canada: the use of correspondence analysis to identify source of exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 75:903-909.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Martin, I.D., Weber, J.P., Sutherland, C., Elliot, J.R. and E. Nieboer (2005) The Mid-Canada Radar Line and First Nations’ People of the James Bay Region, Canada: An evaluation using log-linear contingency modelling to analyze organochlorine frequency data. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 7:888-898.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Weber, J.P., Sutherland, C., Katapatuk, B. and E. Nieboer (2005) Protecting the Health of First Nation Personnel at Contaminated Sites: A Case Study of Mid-Canada Radar Line Site 050 in Northern Canada. Arctic. 58:233-240.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Jayasinghe, R., Van Spronsen, E., and E. Nieboer (2005). Foil backing used in intraoral, radiographic dental film: a source of environmental lead. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 71:35-38.

·       Holdner, J., Wainman, B.C., Jayasinghe, R., Van Spronsen, E., Karagatzides, J.D., Nieboer, E. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2004) Soil and plant lead of upland habitat used extensively for recreational shooting and game bird hunting in southern Ontario, Canada. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 73:568-574

·       Jayasinghe, R., Tsuji, L.J.S., Gough, W.A., Karagatzides, J.D., Perera, D. and E. Nieboer (2004) Determining the background levels of bismuth in tissues of wild game birds: a first step in addressing the environmental consequences of using bismuth shotshells. Environmental Pollution. 132:13-20

·       Gough, W.A., Cornwell, A. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2004). Trends in seasonal sea ice duration in southwestern Hudson Bay. Arctic. 57:299-305

·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Wainman, B.C., Jayasinghe, R.K., Karagatzides, J.D., Van Spronsen, E. and E. Nieboer (2004) Tissue-bismuth levels of game birds harvested with bismuth shotshell: policy implications. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 72:128-134.

·       Karagatzides, J.D., Manson, H. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2003). Spatial distribution of Scirpus americanus ramets on an intertidal marsh: A test of optimal packing theory. Plant Ecology. 169:215-226

·       Hanning, R.M., Sandhu, R., MacMillan, A., Moss, L., Tsuji, L.J.S. and E. Nieboer (2003) Impact of blood lead levels of maternal and early infant feeding practices of First Nation Cree in the Mushkegowuk Territory of northern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 5:241-245.

·       Tsuji, L.J.S. and G. DeIuliis (2003) Endoparasites of northern sharp-tailed grouse, Tympanuchus phasianellus phasianellus, as related to age and position on the lek. Arctic 56:266-270.


·       Tsuji, L.J.S., Karagatzides, J.D., Hanning, R.H., Katapatuk, B., Young, J. and E. Nieboer (2002) Dentine-lead levels and dental caries in First Nation children from the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70:409-415.


·       Carlson, J., Gough, W.A., Karagatzides, J.D. and L.J.S. Tsuji (2003). Canopy interception of acid deposition in southern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 117:523-530.