
DHS Prof part of working group assembling special anti-Black racism issues of Canadian Medical Association Journal

A young Black boy is examined by a Black doctor

Equitable cancer care for Black patients, medical schools' responses to anti-Black racism, mental health of Black youth and gaslighting in academic medicine are some of the topics in 2 anti-Black racism in health care issues of  to be published October 24 and October 31, 2022. The assortment of articles were assembled by a working group composed of Black health scholars and practitioners, including Department of Health and Society Assistant Professor Notisha Massaquoi.

Anti-Black racism is a threat to public and population health in Canada. Scholars and researchers in social and health sciences have studied and documented the effects of anti-Black racism and its impact on health inequities in Canada for decades, yet systemic racism has undermined the publication of this work. As a result of years of advocacy by the Black Health Education Collaborative (BHEC), CMAJ is publishing 2 special issues on the health of Black people in Canada and anti-Black racism in health care, to focus attention on this important topic and to provide a foundation for future content.

"We celebrate the bold step CMAJ is making to ensure equitable inclusion of Black health issues and the work of Black contributors in this inaugural special issue and all subsequent publications," says Dr. Massaquoi. "This is not a one-time event and the commitment that CMAJ is making to be accountable to Black communities and do its part to eliminate anti-Black racism from health care in Canada is commendable!"