
ENGC07: Canadian Drama

ENGC07: Canadian Drama



Course Name: Canadian Drama

Instructor: Prof. Randy Lundy

Course Description: This course will examine works by prominent Indigenous Canadian playwrights. While reading the plays closely, as texts and as works meant to be performed, we will consider questions such as What constitutes Indigenous Canadian Drama? and Is it just the content that makes these plays Indigenous or are there formal / aesthetic / cultural differences as well? We will also pay close attention to the relations between the different texts/plays. Playwrights to be considered may include Marie Clements, Tomson Highway, Monique Mojica, D. D. Moses, Ian Ross, etc. 

Delivery: ENGC07 will be delivered in-person.


Learn more about Prof. Lundy's teaching and research, as well as how to contact him with any questions.

Image: Photo Cover from Tomson Highway's Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing


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