
UTSC Abroad

Student on mountain top

Studying abroad provides students with a unique opportunity to travel the world, immerse in different cultures while simultaneously earning academic credits.  The University of Toronto has international programs for students to study, research, or work abroad! These programs give students insight into the real world, develop interpersonal and strong communicational skills as well as enhance future employment opportunities.

Upcoming Workshops

Thursday September 14 5:00 PM -7:00 PM IC 318  
Monday September 18 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM Catalyst Centre  
Wednesday September 20 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM Catalyst Centre  
Thursday September 28 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM Catalyst Centre  

Programs offered:

  •  Study abroad at one of more than 130 partner universities in 40 different countries! Study exchange is an excellent opportunity to experience new cultures and learn new languages while earning credits towards your UofT degree. Participants remain UoT students, pay UofT tuition fees. Go on exchange for one semester or for a full academic year!

  •  â€“ Participants complete full-year University of Toronto undergraduate degree courses from the Faculty of Arts & Science that are relevant to each location. Relatively small classes (about 25 students on average) are taught by University of Toronto professors or faculty form the host university. All classes, with the exception of language courses, are taught in English.

  •   Opportunity for upper-year undergraduate science students to work with world-class scientists in exciting destinations during the summer while completing a U of T credit. Summer research projects are available at partner institutions for about 12 weeks over the summer term.

  •  Are you looking for a spring or summer program to learn French? Do you want to discover another region of Canada and meet new people? Go Explore! Explore is a five-week intensive language-immersion program. Canadians and Permanent Residents can take the program in the spring or summer. Participants in Explore are able to receive a $2,200 bursary that covers tuition fees for the programs, instructional materials, meals and accommodations, workshops, and other mandatory activities. Discover another region of Canada while learning French. Enjoy five weeks of learning and adventure, friendship and discovery!

For more information contact studyabroad@utsc.utoronto.ca.