
First Year Learning Communities

Students smiling with sunglasses on

The First Year Learning Communities Program is a bi-weekly program that groups first-year students by their program of study in order to help students find a sense of community at UTSC.  FLCs are the perfect opportunity to build academic and personal skills and make new friends in a supportive, fun, and semi-structured environment. Each FLC is assigned a First Year Peer, an upper-year student from a similar program of study. Your First Year Peer is there to answer questions, facilitate discussion, and help you in your transition to university life.


First Year Learning Community meetings will have a large group workshop or presentation followed by break out time in smaller groups with First Year Peers. Snacks/ dinner will be provided. Students are encouraged to stay for the entire duration of the FLC to ensure they get the full benefit of learning and practicing skills while socializing and making connections with peers.


This program is open to all first-year UTSC students (undergraduate). There is no registration for the FLC program however attendance is taken at each meeting. First Year Students can attend as many FLC meetings as they wish throughout the year and can join at any point in the year. Students who attend 5 or more meetings will receive recognition on their Co-Curricular Record. 


Please note that some of our special FLC events such as Dinner with your Faculty, Dinner with your Future, and any special trips will require pre-registration. Early access to registration will be provided to students who have attended FLC meetings previously. 


First Year Learning Communities, also known as 鈥淔LCs鈥, are groups of students from similar programs of study. FLCs focus on building community and working together to build skills for success.

The program will begin early September and end around Reading Week in February. FLC Meetings will take place on-campus and in-person. FLC programming may include of off-campus trips, special events, and/or virtual events. 

First Year Learning Communities help first-year students to make connections within their program of study while developing academic, career and personal skills. Each year, students tell us how the program helped them to get to know their classmates, faculty, staff, and alumni. Students also tell us that the program helped them to adjust to university and that the program enhanced their university experience.


Your participation in the First Year Learning Communities Program is also eligible for Co-Curricular Record recognition.

To sign up, complete the .

Students admitted to Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics program are automatically enrolled in the First Year Learning Communities program and do not need to register.

The first FLC meetings will be in early September. You will receive more information in your Weekly First Year Peer emails over the summer about exact dates and locations

To participate in this program, you must be an undergraduate, UTSC student in your first year at UTSC. You must also be enrolled in courses for the 2024-25 academic year to participate in the program. Transfer students and students with transfer credits are welcome and encouraged to apply. 

The First Year Learning Communities Program is open to the following programs of study:

  • Arts (Humanities, Social Sciences and Visual & Performing Arts)
  • Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical & Environmental Sciences
  • Psychological & Health Sciences

Living Learning Communities are run by Student Housing and Residence Life and are only for students living in residence. Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are designed to connect students living in residence who share common interests and to extend opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. LLCs provide opportunities for students to get involved within their residence community, while connecting with peers, faculty and staff. UTSC Residence Living Learning Communities include the Global Citizenship LLC, the Health & Wellbeing LLC, and the Sustainability LLC. Please visit /residences/living-learning-communities for more information

First Year Learning Communities are open to all first-year students at UTSC and Living-Learning Communities are open to students living in residence. As a part of the FLC Program, you will be grouped with other students based on your program of study and will participate in activities and events related to your program of study. Living-Learning Communities focus on a specific theme, and run events and activities related to that theme.

Absolutely! Click on the link above to apply for a First Year Learning Community. You may apply to a Living-Learning Community as a part of your residence application.

If you are a Management student, we encourage you to apply to the FLIP Program. The FLIP Program is a comparable program designed for Management students. You can apply at /mgmt/first-year-learning-integration-program-flip

The First Year Learning Communities Program does not count toward academic credit. However, your participation in a First Year Learning Community will be noted on your Co-Curricular Record. To be eligible for Co-Curricular Recognition, you must regularly attend FLC events and complete a year-end reflection.

Your Co-Curricular Record is an official record that recognizes the skills and experiences you have had beyond the classroom. It will track your activities throughout your time at U of T. It will help you to better understand the skills you are developing and how they might apply to other contexts. Documenting your co-curricular experiences will also help you to market your skills and experiences to graduate schools and potential employers, and help you speak about them in a meaningful way on grant and bursary applications.