
Smudging Ceremony Guidelines

Drumming circle

Smudging Ceremony Guidelines

Smudging is an Indigenous tradition which involves the burning of sweetgrass, sage, and/or cedar. Sage and cedar smudges produce a very strong and distinct aroma but the smoke associated with it is minimal and lasts a very short time. Sweetgrass has a very mild aroma and produces less smoke. A smudge is burned primarily for purification and to help to create a positive mind set.

Tobacco is used in pipe ceremonies by pipe carriers.

Under Section 13 of Ontario Smoke Free Act smudging, the use of tobacco, the smoking of tobacco or holding lighted tobacco by First Nations and Metis persons for traditional First Nations and Metis cultural or spiritual purposes are permitted. The 澳门六合彩开奖接口 has recognized that smudging and pipe ceremonies are a part of the Indigenous traditional way of life and are therefore permitted on campus.

Please keep in mind the following:

See the list of rooms below that have been pre-approved as locations for smudging ceremonies.  If another location is requested, it must be approved by Fire Manager and Chief Engineer.

Common Spaces Meeting Rooms Classrooms
AA112 Foyer AA160 AA112
AC227 Green Room AA401 AA204 to AA209
ARC Outdoor Quad BV521 AC223
BV380 RCL BV540 BV260
BV Hallway EV140 Boardroom BV355
DMG EV202 HW214
Gallery 1265 EV231 HW215
EV151 Catalyst Centre EV302 HW306
ESCB Atrium EV331 HW308
HW212A MarketPlace Meeting Room EV402 HW310
HW305 MarketPlace Upper Cafeteria EV431 IC120
H Wing Patio EV502 IC130
IC Atirum EV531 IC200
IC Courtyard The Hub IC 130 IC204
IC Front Vestibule IC318 IC208
IC Rooftop Garden KW324 IC212
Meeting Place SL232 IC220
KW130 and Patio SL233 IC230
KW Atrium SW403 Old Council KW110
SW Plaza SY205 KW120
SY110 Lobby   KW130
Student Village Centre (Common Area)   KW140
SL Multifaith SL281   KW160
SL Food Court Seating Area   KW170
HL Event Centre    KW223

Prior to the event, send an email to the Manager, Security Systems & Services to inform them.

An email notification must be sent to the building occupants in the surrounding area (48-hour notice).

Some people may have sensitivity or allergies to the smoke created during the ceremony, and they must be given the opportunity to leave the area prior to the event.

Prior to the ceremony, please make note of the nearest fire extinguisher.

During the ceremony a notice must be posted on the door of the location.

During the ceremony, never leave any burning material unattended and douse the burning material immediately after the conclusion of the smudging ceremony.