
Interfaith Observances

Faith is an important part of many students’ lives and religious diversity not only enriches the student experience,  it beautifies our perspective.

This year we have many cultural and religious observances happening in the month of March and April! Nowruz will be observed on March 19, Holi takes place on March 25, Easter falls on March 31, the first day of Ridvan takes place on April 20 and Passover begins before sundown on Monday, April 22.

Ramadan is at our doorsteps and will take place from March 10 to April 9. Ramadan refers to the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. During this holy month, Muslims observe fasting from dawn to sunset, additional prayers, and other acts of worship and charity. Students can support their peers who are fasting by learning more about this month and accommodating students fasting and praying during events or gatherings. For example, having take-away food for events during the day so students fasting can eat it in the evening, or by holding large events with food after sunset. 

As Ramadan and Eid may overlap with final and exams, UTSC has accommodation policies for students needing to defer exams for religious observances  
Exam Conflicts: /registrar/conflicts  

Prayer Space: 
During Ramadan, spill over rooms for prayer are organized outside of student center spaces. The departments within OSEW also take Ramadan into consideration for planning to ensure meals and prayer spaces are available at appropriate times during programming. 

Funding for Iftar and Special Events 
The Equity and Community Fund is available for students seeking financial support for community events like Iftar. More information about the fund and how to apply: 
Available Funding: /studentexperience/equity-and-community-fund 

Community Supports 
Students seeking additional spiritual, and wellness supports can find them here (insert PDF).