

UTSC student in a lecture

Potential Stressors

  • Making friends and fitting in, becoming familiar with surroundings.
  • Adjusting to a different learning environment (New courses, increased workload, and new methods of evaluation).
  • Adjusting to less structure than in high school and the self discipline needed to study.
  • Questioning choice of university and/or academic program.
  • Feeling homesick, getting along with roommate(s).
  • Experiencing new found freedom and testing self-imposed boundaries.
  • If living at home, an expectation that life at home will change too.
  • Getting a part-time job.
  • Managing a budget and own finances for the first time.

Resources Available

  • Attend  in late August and early September to meet students, staff and faculty. Popular events include Welcome Day, Faculty Mix & Mingle and SCSU's orientation.  also has a specialized orientation experience for those students living in residence on campus. 
  • Visit the , the , the and the to learn about the academic resources available on campus.
  • Get to know your on campus! The is located on the northern part of the campus. All registered UTSC students have access to the facility through their TCard. For more information on hours and programming available, visit the .
  • Talk to a counsellor about how you are feeling. The  on campus offers individual and group counselling services to registered students.
  • Register for the  from the Student Life Programs.
  • Pick up a copy of the Student Experience Guide produced by the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing for an overview of programs and services available (Arts & Administration Building, AA152).
  • Pick up a student planner and agenda from the  office in the Student Centre.
  • Log into the  for on campus and off campus part-time job opportunities.