
Partnership Fund

Two UTSC students talking before a lecture


The purpose of the Partnership Fund is to encourage campus wide collaborations on innovative initiatives, projects, and events that promote a vibrant student experience and are consistent with the strategic goals of UTSC. The Partnership Fund is funded by the Council on Student Services Fees.


Details of the Fund:

The Partnership Fund is an expense reimbursement process, where funds are applied for and awarded prior to the event, and reimbursed after the event occurs. Eligible expenses for which receipts are produced will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $5,000 for the event and is not meant to cover 100% of costs. Ineligible expenses include student honorariums, gift cards, monetary prizes and monetary gifts.



  • Any recognized student club or organization, UTSC staff and departments, and/or Faculty and academic departments are eligible to apply for funding. 
  • Initiatives that are eligible for other existing funding resources will not be considered (i.e. CSS Enhancement, SCSU Club Funding, and DSA Funding). 
  • The application must include at least a partnership between one or more: student organizations/ clubs, UTSC staff, faculty, departments, or external community collaborations. 


Projects that will receive priority consideration include:

  • Proposals that involve two or more active partnerships 
  • Projects that promote campus wide involvement and participation at UTSC 
  • Accessibility and equity engagement initiatives 
  • Campus wide education or outreach programs, consistent with UTSC strategic goals 
  • Initiatives demonstrate a need for financial assistance Proposal Guidelines


Proposals must include the following information: 

  • The name of the group/department/individual requesting funds 
  • Contact information (full name, telephone number and email) for primary contact
  • The name of the project/initiative, an overview of the project including the purpose, date, time, location and expected participation numbers, target audience and the marketing plan
  • How this Initiative has learning outcomes and goals which will make an educational impact on student life at UTSC 
  • Commit to submitting a summary of the approved initiative, project or event to the Partnership Fund, when submitting receipts 
  • A budget outlining all expenses and revenues, funding from other sources and total cost of the project 
  • The total amount of funds requested from the Partnership Fund 

Distribution of Funds:

  • Once a decision has been made by the Partnership Fund Committee, the primary contact for the group/department/individual will be notified. Funding allocations will depend on the funds available at that point in time.
  • Once a group/department/individual has been granted funding, they are responsible for the initial payment of all project costs.
  • Individuals will only be reimbursed after documentation/receipts have been submitted via the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing.
  • Reimbursement is at the discretion of the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing.
  • Funds allocated through the Partnership Fund remain available for use within the same academic year (i.e., Sep 2024 - Aug 2025).


Applicant Responsibilities:

Groups/departments/individuals that request and receive funds are responsible for the following:

  • Read and accept the Partnership Fund guidelines.
  • Submit a written project proposal via the intranet before the deadline.
  • Attend and present the project to the Partnership Fund Committee and answer any questions if required.
  • Provide documentation/receipts to the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing to claim all funds no later than 4 months after expenses were incurred/event date (whichever is the earliest).
  • Present and share any information obtained during the project/event with members of the UTSC community



Deadlines will be posted via the intranet. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. All proposals must be submitted online through the Intranet before 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.

Click here to apply.

For more information, please contact us at studentexperience.utsc@utoronto.ca.