

澳门六合彩开奖接口 students walking outside on campus in the fall

Potential Stressors

  • Increased academic stress due to an accumulation of work and final exams approaching.
  • May become sick or physically drained as weather changes.
  • May see increased alcohol consumption, increased loneliness.
  • May question intellectual abilities, thoughts of not returning to the university next semester.
  • Mid-term results not as expected. 

Resources Available

  • Refer to the  to coordinate your exam schedule and plan ahead.
  • Talk to a counsellor about how you are feeling and discuss stress management techniques. The  on campus offers individual and group counselling services to registered students.
  • Visit the , the , the  and the  to learn about the academic resources available on campus.
  • If you are speak to an Academic and Learning Strategist at the Academic Advising & Career Centre.