
Video Competition - Rules/Regulations

Think. Shoot. Change. Video Competition - Rules and Regulations

  1. Video entries must be original, produced by amateurs, not produced for any other purpose, compensation or previously posted on the Internet or used in any other medium.
  2. Contest participants grant UTSC a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, fully-paid, royalty-free, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, publish, duplicate, display, distribute, modify, and edit any video submitted to the Contest without any compensation or liability to the participant.
  3. UTSC reserves the right to disqualify and/or destroy entries that are determined, in UTSC鈥檚 sole discretion, to violate the law, violate the rights of third parties, depict violence or otherwise be detrimental to the interests of UTSC or any other party.
  4. UTSC has the sole discretion to interpret the Contest rules, make decisions in accordance with the Contest rules, amend the Contest rules and award prizes to participants to ensure the Contest operates in accordance with UTSC鈥檚 intent and purpose in sponsoring the Contest and to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.
  5. The awarding of prizes is at UTSC鈥檚 sole discretion, and UTSC may reserve the right to decide not to award prizes.
  6. Applicants must obtain a photo/video release authorization if other non-participating students are used in the video. Music used in the video must be an original creation. Copyrighted music can only be used with the artist's consent.