
Video Competition - FAQ

When is the deadline to apply?

**Deadline has been extended!** New deadline APRIL 1, 2023

Who can enter?

  1. The contest is open to all those who complete and submit their MEnvSc application by the early deadline (Feb 15 2023). Acceptances are done on an ongoing basis starting February 15, 2023.
  2. You may only enter the contest as an individual.
  3. Winners may only receive the financial prize if they fulfill the admission requirements and are admitted to the program.

How do I enter?

The application process to the video competition is simple. To enter the competition:

  1. Produce an original 1.5- minute video that educates and engages the general public on a specific environmental issue of your choice. *NOTE* do not go over the 1.5-minute time limit (submissions over the time limit cannot be considered).
  2. Fill out the Video Competition Submission Agreement Form and email it to dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca
  3. Upload your video as an MP4 and send to dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca

What are the video requirements?

  • Videos must be 1.5 minutes; submissions that exceed 1.5 minutes of playing time will not be considered.
  • Minimum video resolution is HD 720p (1280 x 720 pixels).
  • An example of a suitable video format for a submission is MP4, emailed to dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca by the contest deadline (April 1, 2022)
  • Content must be technically accurate if presenting scientific information.
  • Videos must be recorded and produced in English or include English subtitles.
  • Videos should not contain or encourage dangerous or unsafe activities.
  • Video entries must be original, produced by amateurs, not produced for any other purpose, compensation or previously posted on the Internet or used in any other medium.
  • Any stock footage or other borrowed material must be used with clear attribution and the expressed permission of the original author/producer.
  • Music used in the video must be an original creation. Copyrighted music can only be used with the artist's consent.
  • Applicants must obtain written permission to film anyone featured in the videos who are not part of the competition. This is done through the "Photo/Video Release Authorization" section of your submission form.

How will the videos be judged?

Judging criteria will be based on:

  • Relevance to topic
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Overall Viewer Experience