
Undergraduate FAQ


Frequently asked questions about our undergraduate programs!

Academic Success FAQ

A: The Admissions Office should receive the updated transcript in a sealed envelope sent directly from your high school and you do not need to upload it anywhere. 

A: When you apply for admissions at UTSC, you choose a broad department that includes many majors/minors underneath it, and therefore before completing your first year, you need to apply to a specific program that is a specialist/major/minor program. Also, this POST program is in place to give you more flexibility to change programs if you no longer wish to continue in the original broad department that you initially applied to

A: Limited programs are programs that require a program advisor to confirm your enrollment into the program based on factors such as a required GPA and required courses. You can check more information here: /registrar/unlimited-and-limited-programs  

A: Yes! You may use the Self-Declaration Absence form to self-declare illness and inability to submit an assignment or time or to report an absence from a practical/tutorial and you can find the form here: /physsci/self-declaration-absence-form-0

A: You can check the tentative schedule for future courses here /registrar/future-course-offerings and make sure to always come back to check any updates.

A: Students are expected to have prerequisites as listed in the UTSC Calendar for each course. Students who do not meet the prerequisite requirements for courses may be removed from the course by the instructor.

A: Students should always follow the sequence of courses as listed in the UTSC Calendar, especially for Specialist programs.  This sequence has been carefully put together with respect to prerequisites, avoidance of schedule conflicts, and alignment with the learning outcomes of the respective programs.  If students do not follow the sequence as listed in the UTSC Calendar, they may not have the appropriate prerequisites for upper-level courses and may have scheduling conflicts.  The learning outcomes of the program will also be negatively impacted.

A: For CHM, EES, or PSC courses, please contact dpes-undergrad.utsc@utoronto.ca and request that you be added to the course. You can also consult with your Program Supervisor.

A: Some programs have strict CGPA requirements that must be met before students will be approved for these programs. If you do not meet the CGPA requirements, you can re-apply to some programs later in your BSc.

A: Specialist programs require that students meet the course FCE requirements as listed in the UTSC Calendar.  Some Specialist programs also have CGPA requirements that also must be met before a student is approved for these programs. 

A: Please contact your Program Supervisor before you enroll to determine if the equivalent course can be used as a program requirement.  Your Program Supervisor will advise if other campuses offer equivalent courses for your respective program. 

A: Please contact your Program Supervisor who can advise if the exclusion course can be substituted in your program.

A: Typically, students are expected to complete the program as it is listed in the UTSC Calendar.  Program Supervisors usually cannot change program requirements, especially for accredited BSc Specialist programs. Please contact your Program Supervisor for more information.

A: The Registrar’s Office is the place to go! Ask to see a financial aid consultant and they would be glad to answer any questions you have.

A: For a particular career path, it is recommended to contact the UTSC Academic Advising and Career Centre (AACC) at aacc.utsc@utoronto.ca. You could also check this to see some career options and student testimonials in regard to the Physical and Environmental Sciences programs.

A: The Registrar’s Office is the place to go! Ask to see a financial aid consultant and they would be glad to answer any questions you have.

A: For a particular career path, it is recommended to contact the UTSC Academic Advising and Career Centre (AACC) at aacc.utsc@utoronto.ca. You could also check this  to see some career options and student testimonials in regard to the Physical and Environmental Sciences  programs.

Engagement and Leadership On-Campus FAQ

A: The best way to get involved on campus is to join the Environmental and Physical Sciences Association (EPSA), The Chemistry Society at UTSC, and many other student organizations that can be found on UofT Career Learning Network (CLNX) . 

A: Mostly, all events organized by UTSC departments and offices would be posted on  while many student organizations post their events on their social media pages.

A: Check CLNx for on-campus employment opportunities, work-study positions, and off-campus employment opportunities. 

A: There are many volunteer opportunities across many departments on-campus such as UTSC , ,  and your department’s website for volunteer opportunities within the department.

A: You can sign up to be a mentor for many programs offered by the Student Life Office such as the  for high school students, who are primarily Black youth and for the  geared toward first year UTSC students and many mentorship opportunities offered on CLNx.

Intranet, Degree Explorer, CCR, eService, financial help, SCSU grants, one UTSC application for grants, student life mentorship, support for Black and Indigenous students (IMANI), sports and recreation and faith-based resources, funding opportunities academic/non-credit course.



Student life mentor, CCR opportunities, CCR recognition for UofT opportunities, 

Student Well-being FAQ

A: The Health and Wellness Office. You can check their website here as well as the sexual violence prevention and support centre .

A: U of T My SSP provides students with real-time and/or appointment-based confidential, 24-hour support for any school, health, or general life concern at no cost to you. You can call or chat with a counsellor directly from your phone whenever, wherever you are. You can find more information .

Physics-Astrophysics FAQ

A: PHYA11 is not a valid substitute for PHYA10. Most programs in Physical Sciences require PHYA10 and will not accept PHYA11. You must have completed Grade 12 Physics (or equivalent) to be enrolled in PHYA10.

A: PHYA22 is not a valid substitute for PHYA21. Most programs in Physical Sciences require PHYA21 and will not accept PHYA22.


A: MATA29 or MATA32 will not satisfy requisites, where MATA30 or MATA31 is required. Similarly, MATA35 and MATA33 will not satisfy requisites where MATA36 or MATA37 are required.


A: Yes, CHM135 is equivalent to CHMA11, but, it will not automatically be accepted. Once you have the credit and it is in the program, you will need to contact your program supervisor to make the change on Degree Explorer.

Chemistry FAQ

A: Yes, CHM135 is equivalent to CHMA11, but, it will not automatically be accepted. Once you have the credit and it is in the program, you will need to contact your program supervisor to make the change on Degree Explorer.