
Ruby Sullan

Ruby Sullan
Associate Professor
Telephone number
Building EV 566

Teaching Interests

  • -Introductory Chemistry II: Reactions and Mechanisms
  • CHMB16-Techniques in Analytical Chemistry
  • -Topics in Biophysical Chemistry
  • -Topics in Biophysical Chemistry

Research Interests

Research in our group lies at the interface of mechano-microbiology and materials-biosystems interactions. We use a multifaceted and integrative approach to quantify, and elucidate the molecular mechanism behind the mechanical forces that stabilize the initial stages of bacterial biofilm formation on different materials. As initial attachment is the crucial pre-requisite for a mature biofilm, initial efforts in the  will focus primarily on the early stages of biofilm development―that is initial adhesion and microcolony formation. Below are the key research themes that we are working on (see our  for more details):

  • Molecular forces in Bacterial Biofilms―at the single-molecule and single-cell levels
  • Bacterial Rigidity Sensing
  • Structure and Nanomechanics of Bacterial Biofilms
  • Targeted Delivery of Anti-biofilm Agents

Awards and Grants

  • Cottrell Faculty Scholar, Class of 2021
  • Connaught New Researcher Award
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
  • Marcel de Merre Prize in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


  • Andoy, N.M.O., Jeon, K., Kreis, C.T., Sullan, R.M.A. , Advanced Functional Materials, 20202004503.
  • Kreis, C.T. and Sullan, R.M.A. , Nanoscale2020, 12, 16819–16830. 
  • Jeon, K., Schmitt, C., Xue, Y., Andoy, N.M.O., Barner, L., Sullan, R.M.A. , Journal of Materials Chemistry B20219, 634 - 637.
  • Falcone, N. Shao, T. Andoy, N.M.O., Rashid, R., Sullan, R.M.A., Sun, X., and Kraatz, H-B. , Biomaterials Science2020, 8, 5601–5614.

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