
Oleksandr Voznyy

Oleksandr Voznyy
Associate Professor
Telephone number
Building EV 564

Research Interests

Paris climate agreement sets as a target achieving net-negative global emissions by year 2070. This will require tremendous effort not only on transitioning all electricity generation and transportation to renewables but also developing efficient ways to capture and store the carbon dioxide. Intermittency of renewable solar and wind impedes their adoption and requires low-cost and scalable energy storage solutions.

Our group works on developing new materials for Li-ion batteries, hydrogen storage, CO2 capture, and photovoltaics. We utilize atomistic simulations, machine learning, automated high-throughput materials synthesis and characterization to demonstrate proof-of-principle devices that will speed-up the transition to renewables.


F. Fan*, O. Voznyy*, R. Sabatini*, K. Bicanic*, et al.,
Nature, 2017, 544, 75-79.

Zhang*, X. Zheng*, O. Voznyy*, et al.,
Science, 2016, aaf1525.

M. Saidaminov, J. Kim, A. Jain, …, O.Voznyy, E.H. Sargent,
Nat. Energy, 2018, 3, 648.

O. Voznyy, J. J. Dubowski, J. T. Yates Jr., P. Maksymovych,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 12989.

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