
Matthew Hoffman

Matthew Hoffman
Telephone number
Building MW 220A
Program or Affiliation
Political Science

Research Interests

I have a number of ongoing research projects in the areas of global governance and environmental politics. In April 2020 I began a new research project on urban resilience and sustainability as part of a just transition with partners at Ryerson University, University of Michigan, and Colorado State University. This builds on my previous research project on developing pathways to decarbonization (2013-2020), with a number of collaborators from Canada, the US, the UK, and Sweden funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council. My 2011 book with Oxford University Press examines the emergence and implications of climate governance experiments.  I have also engaged in a collaborative study of carbon markets with my colleagues Matthew Paterson (University of Ottawa), Michele Betsill (Colorado State University), and Steven Bernstein (University of Toronto) funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  Beyond environmental politics, I am engaged in a collaborative project on the evolution of multilateral treaty-making with colleagues from the University of Delaware.