
Mathew Wells

Mathew Wells
Telephone number
Building EV 456
Website My Webpage

Teaching Interests

  • EESC19H3 - Oceanography
  • EESC33H3-Environmental Science Field Course
  • EES1120H-Fluid Dynamics of Contaminant Transport

Research Interests

Environmental fluid dynamics.

Awards and Grants

  • Discovery Accelerator Supplement (2016)
  • NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (2011)
  • Ontario Early Researcher Award (2011)


Wells, MG., Li, J., Flood, B., Brooks, JL., Cooke, S.J., Kuai, Y., Semcesen, P. Midwood, J. (2020). Speed of sound gradients due to summer thermal stratification can reduce the detection range of acoustic fish tags: results from a field study in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (in press)

 Wells MG & Dorrell (2020).  Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 53

Davarpanah Jazi, S., Wells, M.G., J. Peakall, R. M. Dorrell, R. E. Thomas, G. M. Keevil, S. E. Darby, J. Sommeria, S. Viboud, and T. Valran (2020) Journal of Geophysical Research:Oceans 125(3), p.e2019JC015284.

Davarpanah Jazi, S. and Wells, M.G., (2020)  Sedimentology 67 (1), 699-720

Yang, B., Wells MG, Li, J. & Young, J. (2020)  Limnology and Oceanography 

Flood, B.,  Wells, M.G., Dunlop, E. and Young, J.  (2020)  Limnology and Oceanography

For more publications see  /labs/efd/publications/