
Marney Isaac

Marney Isaac
Canada Research Chair
Telephone number
Building EV 462
Website My Webpage

Research Interests

Agroecology, agrobiodiversity, biogeochemical cycling, plant functional traits, agrarian networks, sustainable agriculture

Awards and Grants

Canada Research Chair in Agroecosystems and Development


  • Sauvadet, M., R. Asare and M.E. Isaac (2020) Evolutionary distance explains shade tree selection in agroforestry systems.  304: 107125
  • Livingstone, S.W., M.E. Isaac and M.W. Cadotte (2020) Invasive dominance and resident diversity: unpacking  the impact of plant invasion on biodiversity and ecosystem function. Ecological monographs, in press.
  • Coleman, B., A.R. Martin N.V. Thevathasan A.M. Gordon M.E. Isaac (2020) Leaf trait variation and decomposition in short-rotation woody biomass crops under agroforestry management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 298: 106971
  • Gagliardi, S., J. Avelino, L.B. Beilhe and M.E. Isaac (2020) Contribution of shade trees to wind dynamics and pathogen dispersal on the edge of coffee agroforestry systems: A functional traits approach.  130:105071.
  • Buchanan, S.W., M. Baskerville, M. Oelbermann, A.M. Gordon, N.V. Thevathasan and M.E. Isaac (2020) Plant diversity and agroecosystem function in riparian agroforests: Providing ecosystem services and land-use transition.  12(2):568.

For more publications see: /labs/misaac/publications/