
Kris Kim

Kris Kim
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
Building EV 560

Teaching Interests

  •  â€“ Techniques in Analytical Chemistry
  • - Introductory Chemistry II: Reactions and Mechanisms


  • Galang, A.; Snow, M. A.; Benvenuto, P.; Kim, K. S. Designing Virtual Laboratory Exercises Using Microsoft Forms. J. Chem. Ed. 202299 (4), 1620-1627.

  • Soong, R.; Jenne, Amy; Lysak, D. H.; Biswas, R. G.; Adamo, A.; Kim, K. S.; Simpson, A. Titrate over the Internet: An Open-Source Remote-Control Titration Unit for All Students. J. Chem. Ed. 2021, 98, 1037-1042.

  • Ho, K.; Kim, K. S.; Gilburd, L.; Mirzoyan, R.; de Beer, S.; Walker, G. C. Nanoscale Subsurface Morphologies in Block Copolymer Thin Films Revealed by Combined Near-Field Infrared Microscopy and Mechanical Mapping. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2019, 1, 933-935
  • Kim, K. S.; Rackus, D. G.; Mabury, S. A.; Morra, B.; Dicks, A. P.  The Chemistry Teaching Fellowship Program: Developing Curricula and Graduate Student Professionalism.  J. Chem. Ed.  2017, 94, 439-444.
  • Kim, K. S.; Trajanoski, D.; Ho, K.; Gilburd, L.; Maiti, A.; de Beer, S.; Walker, G. C.  The Effect of Adjacent Materials on the Propagation of Phonon Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2017, 8, 2902-2908.
  • Gilburd, L.; Kim, K. S.; Ho, K.; Trajanoski, D.; Maiti, A.; de Beer, S.; Walker, G. C.  Self-Launched Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.  J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2017, 8, 2158-2162.
  • Gonzalez-Alvarez, M. J.; Jia, L.; Guerin, G.; Kim, K. S.; An Du, V.; Walker, G.; Manners, I.; Winnik, M. A.  How a Small Modification of the Corona-Forming Block Redirects the Self-Assembly of Crystalline-Coil Block Copolymers in Solution.  Macromolecules  2016, 49, 7975-7984.    
  • Kim, K. S.; Gunari, N.; MacNeil, D.; Finlay, J.; Callow, M.; Callow, J.; Walker, G. C.  Aqueous-Based Fabrication of Low-VOC Nanostructured Block Copolymer Films as Effective Marine Antifouling Coatings.  ACS App. Mater. Interfaces  2016, 8, 20342-20351.
  •  Navab, R.; Strumpf, D.; To, C.; Paska, E.; Kim, K. S.; Park, C. J.; Hai, J.; Liu, J.; Jonkman, J.; Barczyk, M.; Bandarchi, B.; Wang, Y. H.; Venkat, K.; Ibrahimov, E.; Pham, N.; Ng, C.; Zhu, C. Q.; Pintilie, M.; Wang, D.; Jurisica, I.; Gulberg, D.; Walker, G. C.; Tsao, M. S.  Integrin a11b1 Regulates Cancer Stromal Stiffness to Promote Tumorigenicity and Metastasis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.  Oncogene  2015, 1-10.
  • Sarvothaman, M. K.; Kim, K. S.; Brodersen, P. M.; Walker, G. C.; Wheeler, A. R.  Dynamic Fluoroalkyl Polyethylene Glycol Co-Polymers: A New Strategy for Reducing Protein Adhesion in Lab-on-A-Chip Devices.  Adv. Funct. Mater.  2014, 25, 506-515.
  • Molev, G.; Lu, Y.; Kim, K. S.; Majdalani, I.C.; Guerin, G.; Petrov, S.; Walker, G.; Manners, I.; Winnik, M. A.  Organometallic-Polypeptide Diblock Copolymers: Synthesis by Diels-Alder Coupling and Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly to Uniform Truncated Elliptical Lamellae.  Macromolecules  2014, 47, 2604-2615.