
George Arhonditsis

George  Arhonditsis
Department Chair and Graduate Chair
Telephone number
Building EV 242/354

Teaching Interests

  • EESD09/EESD10 - Research Project in Environmental Science
  • EES1118 â€“ Fundamentals of Ecological Modelling
  • EES1119 â€“ Quantitative Environmental Analysis

Research Interests

Aquatic biogeochemical modelling, plankton ecology, Bayesian inference, fish contamination, watershed science, extreme meteorological events.

Awards and Grants

  • Elsevier Best Paper Award 2012 & 2014: International Great Lakes Association
  • Ontario Early Researcher Award (2009)
  • Environmental Science and Technology: Excellence in Review Award (2009)


  • Kim D.K., Yang C., Parsons C.T., Bowman J., Theÿsmeÿer T., Arhonditsis G.B. Eutrophication management in a Great Lakes wetland: Examination of the existence of alternative ecological states. Ecosphere. In press
  • Lane D., Bermel W., Ning P., Jeong T.Y., Martin R., Soong R., Wu B., Tabatabaei-Anaraki M., Heumann H., Gundy M., Boenisch H., Adamo A., Arhonditsis G., Simpson A.J. 2020.Targeting the Lowest Concentration of a Toxin That Induces a Detectable Metabolic Response in Living Organisms: Time-Resolved In Vivo 2D NMR during a Concentration Ramp. Analytical Chemistry. 92, 9856−9865.
  • Kaluskar S., Blukacz-Richards A.E., Johnson C.A., Kim D-K., Arhonditsis G.B. 2020. Connecting the Dots in Databases of Endangered Species: A Bayesian Hierarchical Imputation Strategy for Missing Peary Caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) Population Data. Ecological Complexity. 43: 100846
  • Huang J., Zhang Y., Arhonditsis G.B., Gao J., Chen Q., Peng J. 2020. The magnitude and drivers of harmful algal blooms in China’s lakes and reservoirs: A national-scale characterization. Water Research. 181: 115902
  • Hipsey M.R., Gal G., Arhonditsis G.B., Carey C.C., Elliott J.A., Frassl M.A., Janse J.H., de Mora L., Robson B.J. 2020. A system of metrics for the assessment and improvement of aquatic ecosystem models. Environmental Modelling & Software. 128: 104697
  • (tow C.A., Glassner-Shwayder K., Lee D. Wang L. Arhonditsis G.B. DePinto J.V. Twiss M.R. 2020. Lake Erie phosphorus targets: An imperative for active adaptive management. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46: 672-676
  • Yang C., Kim D-K., Bowman J., Theÿsmeÿer T., Arhonditsis G.B. 2020. Predicting the likelihood of a desirable ecological regime shift: A case study in Cootes Paradise marsh, Lake Ontario, Ontario, Canada. Ecological Indicators. 112: 105794
  • Lane D., McCarter C.P.R., Richardson M., McConnell C., Field T., Yao H., Arhonditsis G., Mitchell C.P.J. 2020. Wetlands and low gradient topography are associated with longer hydrologic transit times in Precambrian Shield headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes. 34: 598-614.
  • Kaluskar S., Johnson C.A, Blukacz-Richards E.A., Ouellet F., Kim D-K., Arhonditsis, G.B. 2020. A stochastic modelling framework to accommodate the inter-annual variability of habitat conditions for Peary caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) populations. Ecological Informatics. 56: 101013

For more publications see: /people/arhonditsis/publications-content/