
Frank Wania

Frank Wania
Telephone number
Building EV 448

Teaching Interests

  • CHMB55 - Environmental Chemistry
  • CHMD59H3F - Modelling the Fate of Organic Chemicals in the Environment
  • PSCD02H3- Current Questions in Mathematics and Science

Research Interests

Environmental organic chemistry.

Awards and Grants

  • Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (2017)
  • UTSC Research Excellence Faculty Scholar (2016)
  • CIC Environment Division Research and Development Dima Award (2015)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2011)


  • Quant, I. M., M. Feigis, S. Mistry, Y. D. Lei, C. P. J. Mitchell, R. Staebler, A. Di Guardo, E. Terzaghi, F. Wania
    Using passive air samplers to quantify vertical gaseous elemental mercury concentration gradients within a forest and above soil
    J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres 2021
  • Breivik, K., S. Eckhardt, M. S. McLachlan, F. Wania
    Introducing a nested multimedia fate and transport model for organic contaminants (NEM)
    Environ. Sci. Processes Impacts 2021
  • Zheng, W., P. Chandan, A. Steffen, G. Stupple, J. De Vera, C. P. J. Mitchell, F. Wania, B. A. Bergquist

    Appl. Geochem. 2021, 105002
  • Li, Y., F. Wania

    Environ. Sci. Processes Impacts 202123, 723-734

For more publications see: /labs/wania/publications/