
DPES Travel Award

This funding opportunity is designed for PhD students, who are excelling in research and have an interest in working on aspects of their dissertation in another high-profile university and/or research institute. Our intent with this initiative is to offer our students the opportunity to augment their technical skills, cultivate their professional network, and promote their research career. Our program will support 4 PhD students per year with up to $5,000 to travel and work on their research abroad or elsewhere within Canada. Applicants are expected to develop a short proposal articulating the research activity that will be conducted through this award. The applicant's CV should be attached to the proposal (maximum 2 pages). Any other material should directly enhance the overall persuasiveness of the application. The deadline for proposal submissions is March 15, 2021.

Multiple criteria will be used to make the award decisions:

-The applicant must have received candidacy;

-Novelty of the proposal along with the quality of the overall presentation;

-Importance of the proposed research for the completion of the dissertation;

-Academic record of the applicant (peer-reviewed publications, awards, conference presentations, leadership in the corresponding field of study, and grades in graduate courses).

-Special weight will be given to papers published through the applicant's doctoral research, in which his/her primary affiliation MUST be the Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences!

- Proposal form

Submit your proposal and CV to elizabeth.pulickeel@utoronto.ca