
DPES Excellence and Leadership Awards

DPES Excellence and Leadership Awards


This award aims to recognize undergraduate students that demonstrate both academic excellence and leadership within the Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences. The DPES Teaching and Curriculum Committee will select three full time undergraduate students per year (one from each of our three disciplines) in their third or fourth year studying in a major or specialist program in: Chemistry, Environmental Sciences/Studies, and Physics/Astrophysics. The selected students must have distinguished themselves both academically and for their leadership and contributions to the DPES community through their participation in student organizations (e.g., EPSA, Chemistry Society, Chem-Aid Centre, Physics-Aid Centre, etc..) or other volunteer work related to DPES!

The selection process will take place during the third week of May. Once the DPES Teaching and Curriculum Committee identifies a pool of potential recipients based on their academic performance, evidence for their leadership and contributions to the DPES community will be requested through reference letters. Each award is valued at $250 and the recipients will be honored at the annual DPES end of term function. This award is sponsored by our TRACES Centre and Chemical Stores facility.

DPES Excellence and Leadership Awards Recipients

  • Yao Yan Huang (Chemistry)
  • Julia Mata (Environmental Sciences)
  • Taylor Jayne Fernandes (Environmental Studies)
  • Prateek Gupta (Physics & Astrophysics)
Zainab Mirza
Andrew Haddad


Daniel Lysak-


                         Daniel has been awarded the Vincent Bladen Award (twice), the U of T scholar program (twice), NSERC USRA (also twice), the Esther Mitchell Chemistry Prize, the William Peek Biology award, and the President's Scholar of Excellence Award. Daniel is described as a mature, deep thinker, and genuinely interested in research.

Karyna Hanif-

Environmental Sciences/Studies


Karyna's stellar academic performance in the environmental science program, Karyna has been an exemplary interdisciplinary citizen within DPES. Karyna has been a long-standing member with our Chemistry Society student group, holding multiple positions including Vice President, and Director of Marketing. Karyna has also served on multiple occasions with "Let's Talk Science"

events, and was the Science Director for the UTSC Co-op students association.

Fergus Horrobin-

Physics & Astrophysics

Fergus has been identified as an outstanding student, who is consistently among the top in his classes. He is praised for organizing a course to teach programming to his peers, when he noticed their weaknesses. He literally just asked for a room he could use, and then started to design lectures without any faculty contribution!! Fergus is already heavily engaged in research and even travelled to international conferences to present his work. He is one of the few undergraduates who consistently attend CPS events. He is also a very active contributor to the Physics-Aid Centre.

Daniel Douglas-

Physics & Astrophysics


Daniel has been praised as one of the best students academically in our P&A programs. In addition, he is the most active student in terms of organizing student-faculty events. He recently organized an event for Prof. Lorincz's retirement - a "thanks for everything Mr. Lorincz" event! Daniel's all around activity and standard of academic excellence embodies the spirit of this award!


Christa Croos Image removed.

Yamn Dany Chalich-

Physics and Astrophysics

Image removed.
Zaynab Haybe Image removed.


Jiaru Li 
Qusai Hassan 
Yixi Luo