
Course List

EES1100H Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science (MEnvSc)
EES1101Y Research Paper in Environmental Science
EES1102H Analytical Chemistry for Geoscientists
EES1103H Field Measurements and Sampling: The Essentials
EES1104H Microorganisms and the Environment
EES1105H Soil Contamination Chemistry
EES1106H Geological Evolution and Environmental History of North America​
EES1108H Environmental Science Field Camp
EES1109H Advanced Techniques in Geographic Information Systems
EES1110H Sediment and Contaminant Transport in Aquatic Systems
EES1111H Freshwater Ecology and Biomonitoring
EES1112H Boundary Layer Climates and Contaminant Fate
EES1113H Groundwater Hydrochemistry and Contaminant Transport
EES1114H Directed Readings in Environmental Science I
EES1115H Directed Readings in Environmental Science II
EES1116Y Internship
EES1117H Climate Change Impact Assessment
EES1118H Fundamentals of Ecological Modelling
EES1119H Quantitative Environmental Analysis
EES1120H Fluid Dynamics of Contaminant Transport
EES1121H Modeling the Fate of Organic Chemicals in the Environment
EES1122H Global Sustainability
EES1123H Environmental Regulations
EES1124H Environmental Project Management
EES1125H Contaminated Site Remediation
EES1126H Hydrology and Watershed Management
EES1127H Applied Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology
EES1128H Biophysical Interactions in Managed Environments
EES1129H Brownfields Redevelopment
EES1130H Ontario Biogeospheres
EES1131H Applied Climatology
EES1132H Climate Data Analysis
EES1133H Climate Change Science and Modelling
EES1134H Climate Change Policy
EES1135H Environmental Change and Human Health
EES1136H Climate Change Adaptation
EES1137H Quantitative Applications for Data Analysis
EES1139H Perspectives in Environmental Health: Mechanisms of Toxicity 
EES1200H Environmental Science Research Experience (MSc)
EES1201H Environmental Science: Approaches and Methods in Research (MSc)
EES1701H Environmental Legislation and Policy
EES1704H Environmental Risk Assessment
EES2200H Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science (PhD)
EES2201H Advanced Readings in Environmental Science (PhD)
EES3000H Applied Conservation Biology
EES3001H Professional Scientific Literacy
EES3002H Conservation Policy
EES3003H Topics in Applied Biodiversity
EES3113H Topics in Population and Community Ecology
EES3114H Topics in Urban and Rural Ecology