

Students on construction sight


The Combined Degree Programs for UTSC Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) and Master of Engineering (MEng) allow exceptional students who are registered in one of the Specialist/Specialist Co-op programs identified below to apply during Year 3 of their studies, and be considered, for admission to the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Chemistry MEng programs in either Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry or Civil Engineering.

Contact Information:
Mandy Meriano(416-208-2775)
Email:  mmeriano@utsc.utoronto.ca

Combined Degree Programs options are:

  • Environmental Biology (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Biology (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Biology (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Biology (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Geoscience (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Geoscience (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Geoscience (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Geoscience (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Physics (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Physics (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Physics (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering
  • Environmental Physics (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Science/ Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering

Application Process:

  • UTSC students in Year 3 of one the identified HBSc programs who are interested in one of the identified CDPs must contact Professor M. Meriano before the end of the Fall session.
  • Qualified UTSC students will be able to apply to their selected CDP.
  • UTSC students who are accepted to the CDP will receive a conditional offer to start the Master of Engineering (MEng) program upon completion of their HBSc program requirements.

Minimum Admission Requirements:

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the HBSc program, the School of Graduate Studies, and the MEng program.
  • Applicants to the HBSc program must:
    • be enrolled full-time and in good standing;
    • have a B+ average (CGPA of 3.3) or higher in Year 2;
    • carry a full course load of 5.0 credits each year (i.e., complete 5.0 credits over the three academic sessions - Fall, Winter, Summer).
  • Applicants to the MEng program must:
    • maintain a B+ average (CGPA of 3.3) or higher in Year 3 and Year 4 of their HBSc program;
    • complete the requirements of their HBSc program;
    • be conferred with the HBSc degree.

Program Requirements and Path to Completion: 

  • Year 1 to 4: HBSc degree requirements:
    • students must complete all HBSc program requirements and degree requirements;
    • students are expected to carry a full course load of 5.0 credits over the three academic sessions (Fall, Winter, Summer) of each year;
    • in Year 3, qualified students may apply to the CDP and may be offered conditional admission to the MEng program;
    • in Year 4, students who receive a conditional offer of admission to the CDP and MEng:
      • must complete two prescribed undergraduate engineering half courses (1.0 credit) as part of the HBSc degree requirements;
      • may complete up to 1.0 credit in graduate courses with the permission of either the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry or Department of Civil Engineering (depending on the selected CDP); these courses can be counted towards the completion of both the HBSc degree requirements and the MEng program and degree requirements.
    • by the end of Year 4, fulfill both the undergraduate program requirements and the undergraduate degree requirements.
  • Year 5: Remaining MEng program and degree requirements:
    • conditions of admission are removed;
    • complete 5.0 credits in MEng courses; students who have completed up to 1.0 credit in MEng courses in Year 4 may subtract those courses from the total 5.0 credits required.