
Cody Ross

Dr. Ross in chest wader standing in the middle of a water way
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
Building EV 443

Teaching Interests

  • EES1113 鈥 Groundwater Hydrochemistry and Contaminant Transport
  • EES1201 鈥 Environmental Science: Approaches and Methods in Research

Research Interest

  • Hydrology
  • Sediment and contaminant transport
  • Indices of hydrologic function

Awards and Grants

  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2022)

Select Publications

  • Ross, C. A., Phillips, A. K., Gospodyn, L., Oswald, C. J., Wellen, C. C., & Sorichetti, R. J. (2023). Improving the representation of stream water sources in surrogate nutrient models with water isotope data. Science of The Total Environment, 164544.
  • Ross, C., Moslenko, L., Biagi, K., Oswald, C., Wellen, C., Thomas, J., Raby. M., & Sorichetti, R. (2022). Total and dissolved phosphorus losses from agricultural headwater streams during extreme runoff events. Science of The Total Environment, 848, 157736.
  • Biagi, K., Ross, C., Oswald, C., Sorichetti, R., Thomas, J., & Wellen, C. (2022). Novel predictors related to hysteresis and baseflow improve predictions of watershed nutrient loads: an example from Ontario鈥檚 lower Great Lakes basin. Science of the Total Environment, 826.
  • Ross, C., Casson, N., & Tenuwara, M. (2021). Linking dominant rainfall鈥恟unoff event hydrologic response dynamics with nitrate and chloride load estimates of three boreal shield catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(9), e2020JG006187.
  • Ross, C., Ali, G., Spence, C., & Courchesne, F. (2021). Evaluating the ubiquity of thresholds in rainfall-runoff response across contrasting environments. Water Resources Research, 57(1), e2020WR027498.
  • Ross C., Ali G., Spence C., Oswald C., & Casson N. (2019). Comparison of event-specific rainfall-runoff responses and their controls in contrasting geographic areas. Hydrological Processes, 33(14), 1961-1979.