
Award Recipients (PhD)



Award Recipients (PhD)

Vanier Award 

  • Alice Zhu 


  • Monica Bastawrous 

TD Scholarship 

  • Bhargav Patel 
  • Larissa Pizzolato 


  • Sarah Simon  

WCS W Garfield Weston Fellowship 

  • Emily Chenery 

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) 

  • Katherine Balasingham 
  • Sarah Willow Buchanan 
  • Planck Huang 
  • Paris Ning 
  • Bhargav Patel 

Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students 

  • Yeuning Li

SSHRC Award 

  • Brain Pentz 

TATP TA Teaching Excellence Award

  • Maryam Abdinejad

UTSC Graduate Student Research Award (Doctoral level)

  • JP Fontenelle

Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowship Award for Women

  • Tife Awonaike

WCS W Garfield Weston Fellowship 

  • Emily Chenery 


  • Conor Anderson

Arthur and Sonia Labatt Award

  • Brian Pentz

Travel Award Canadian Society of Soil Science

  • Meiling Man

  • Megan Sheremata

TD Graduate Scholarship Awards

  • Ariola Visha
  • Cindy Yang

Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students

  • Meiling Man

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Boluwatife Awonaike (International)
  • Conor Anderson (domestic)
  • Ariola Visha
  • Shane Sookhan
  • Zach DiLoreto

The Ranjit Kumar Graduate Fellowship Award

  • Brian Pentz

TD Graduate Scholarship Awards

  • Rafael Mattos
  • Tej Heer
  • Nasrin Pak

Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students

  • Ye Tao

Jeanne F. Goulding Fellowship

  • Christine Palermo

George Sidney Brett Memorial Fund

  • Brian Pentz


  • David McLagan


  • Conor Anderson

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Stephanie Gagliardi
  • Yalda Liaghati Morbaran
  • Christine Palermo
  • Shane Sookhan

TD Graduate Scholarship Award

  • David McLagan
  • Christine Palermo


  • Maryam Abdinejad (1st prize)
  • Rhea Lumactud (2nd prize)
  • Ellen Gute (3rd prize)

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Kaveh Amini
  • Christine Palermo
  • Carlos Paulo

TD Graduate Scholarship Award

  • Boluwatife Awonaike

Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students

  • Dragana Kocesvski

Jeanne F. Goulding Fellowship

  • Abha Parajulee

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Edward Nagato
  • Abha Parajulee
  • Bogdan Hlevca

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council- Canada Graduate Scholarship Award

  • Thea Dickinson

TD Graduate Scholarship Award

  • Aime Kayembe
  • Stuart Livingstone
  • Abha Parajulee

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

  • Matthew Binnington (Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral)
  • Rhea Lumactud (Canada Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement)
  • Maryam Mahmood (Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral)
  • Lindsay McCallum (Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship)

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Edward Nagato

The W. Garfield Weston Doctoral Fellowship

  • Nicole Ricker

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

  • Nicole Spiegelaar (Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship)

CAGONT - Best Poster Award

  • Kinson Leung

CAGONT - Doctoral Essay Contest

  • Yukari Hori
  • Jerry Jien

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

  • Rhea Lumactud (Alexander Graham Bell CGS-D)
  • Nicole Ricker (CGS – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement)


Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Kathy Wallace
  • Maryam Mahmood


Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students

  • Carlos Arnillas Merino


Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)

  • Tingting Zhu

SGS Internal Awards – University Wide Awards

  • Matthew Binnington (Jeanne F. Goulding Fellowship)

CAGONT - Best Poster Award

  • Steven Huryn
  • Kinson Leung

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

  • Bogdan Hlevca (Alexander Graham Bell CGS-D)


Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

  • Kathy Wallace


Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)

  • Rachel Strickman