
Artur Izmaylov

Artur Izmaylov
Telephone number
Building EV 356

Research Interests

First-principles modelling of light-mater interaction, molecular dynamics on metallic surfaces; quantum computing; development of computational techniques in electronic structure and quantum dynamics.

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Awards and Grants

  • Google Quantum Research Award (2019)
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry Lectureship Award, American Chemistry Society (2019)
  • Tom Ziegler Award, Canadian Society for Chemistry (2019)
  • UTSC Research Recognition Award (2018)
  • Ontario Early Researcher Award (2017)
  • CNC-IUPAC Travel Award (2017)
  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2015)


I.G. Ryabinkin, S.N. Genin, A.F. Izmaylov, Constrained variational quantum eigensolver: Quantum computer search engine in the Fock space, J. Chem. Theory Comp. 15, 249-255 (2019)

A.F. Izmaylov, T.C. Yen, I.G. Ryabinkin, Revising measurement process in the variational quantum eigensolver: Is it possible to reduce the number of separately measured operators? Chem. Sci. 10, 3746 - 3755 (2019)

I.G. Ryabinkin, T.C. Yen, S.N. Genin, A.F. Izmaylov, Qubit coupled-cluster method: A systematic approach to quantum chemistry on a quantum computer, J. Chem Theory Comput. 14, 6317-6326 (2018)

L. Joubert-Doriol, A.F. Izmaylov, Nonadiabatic Quantum Dynamics with Frozen-Width Gaussians, J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 6031–6042 (2018)

S. Henshaw and A. F. Izmaylov, , J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 146, (2018)

I. G. Ryabinkin, L. Joubert-Doriol and  A. F. Izmaylov,  Acc. Chem. Res. 50, 1785 (2017)

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