
Postdoc Professional Development Resources

Postdoctoral fellows at UTSC have access to different UTSC and St George resources for their professional development, including:

Teaching and Professional Skills development

The Centre for Teaching and Learning put together a list of resources for postdoctoral fellows on teaching resources and professional development opportunities. We also invite you to consult current Graduate Professional Skills offerings- open to all graduate and postdoctoral fellows at UTSC.

Library and writing support

The Scholarly Liaison Librarian at UTSC put together a . You can also consult our Library and Writing Support webpage to learn about library and writing support services available to all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

The provides graduate students with advanced training in academic writing and speaking. Postdoctoral Fellows are welcome to attend GCAC workshops.

Career Exploration and Education

Job postings and networking opportunities available for postdocs can be accessed through the .

The Career Exploration and Education Centre provides a wide range of support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, including:

  • offers career-related programs, workshops, customized sessions and consultations year-round for graduate students and postdocs. Regular workshops cover a host of topics including identify skills gain from previous and current experiences, exploring career options based on education and interests, job search strategies and labour market research, creating application materials such as resumes, cover letters, and CVs, interview strategies and practice.

The Career Exploration and Education website provides the following resources on finding academic job:

Other resources

  • : UTSC postdoctoral fellows can register with their University of Toronto email address to access free online professional development resource on topics such as establishing and enhancing your publication record, maximizing your postdoc experience, expanding your professional network of mentors, and landing a tenure-track job.
  • : find data about the current employment status of the 3,619 postdoctoral fellows who worked at U of T between 2008 and 2018 in all disciplines.
  • Free Individual Professional Plan for PhD students and Postdocs looking for work outside of academia:
    • for humanities and social sciences
    • for Sciences.