
Other Career Support

people loking at a board

Teaching Assistant

For information on how to apply for TAships you should contact your graduate program administrator.

Generally, TAships are posted a few weeks prior to the start of term (fall, winter, summer). Teaching assitantships offerings at UTSC are available on the Teaching Assistant Application.

Teaching Assistants' Training Program (TATP)

The tri-campus Teaching Assistants' Training Program (TATP) is a peer-training program that aims to enhance the teaching skills of both Teaching Assistants (TAs) and graduate students who are not TAs. The program’s offerings help TAs improve their effectiveness in tutorials and in grading. In addition, the credit workshops are intended to benefit any students who seek to develop their preparation and credentials for later teaching responsibilities in their careers.

More information on .

Please note that either TATP certificate can be counted for credit in the Graduate Professional Skills program; graduate students can complete both these professional skill programs at the same time.

Building your Teaching Dossier

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation at St George published .

At UTSC, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) offers resources and support to help student building their teaching dossier:

  • Workshops during fall and winter reading weeks and in spring, on the morning of the Teaching Showcase.
  • Writing support workshops and personal appointment for any writing projects students may have. To book an appointment, you can contact Cindy Bongard

Mitacs Training Workshops

is a national, not-for-profit research organization that brings together academia, industry and the public sector. Working with 60 universities, thousands of companies, and both federal and provincial governments, Mitacs builds partnerships that support industrial and social innovation in Canada.

Mitacs offers professional development workshops for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and students who have graduated in the past two years. All Mitacs' workshops at the University of Toronto are eligible for the . Mitacs' training workshops are periodically offered on the UTSC Campus. Graduate students may attend a Mitacs'  workshops at any Ontario University.


Additional Resources

coleagues on working on computers


If you would like to discuss your goals and become clearer about next steps, consider booking a .  Office hours are on Wednesday and Friday mornings.



national center for faculty

: UTSC Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can register with their University of Toronto email address to access free online professional development resources on how to become an excellent teacher and rigorous researcher in your discipline, how to complete your dissertation, find a postdoc or fellowship, and much more



your journey infographic

is a first-of-its-kind resource in Canada, developed by a group of tri-campus professionals from career centers across U of T, in partnership with Career Exploration & Education and the Sexual & Gender Diversity Office.


Learning Just do it


: develop your knowledge, skills and experience through paid work on campus through U of T’s Work Study Program




co-curricular record infographic


Co-Curricular Record: learn how you can find opportunities at U of T beyond the classroom and have your experiences captured on an official document



Job Infographic


Academic Advising and Career Centre: assistance with: CV/resume/cover letter writing, job searching, access to exclusive job postings




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The HUB,  an early-stage innovation and business incubator at UTSC




MT Logo

is a University-wide competition for doctoral students, in which the challenge is to present complex research information in an engaging, accessible, and compelling way



Research inforgraphic



 initiative is an inter-disciplinary exhibit dedicated to celebrating the research of our undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by displaying images that reflect the trainees’ areas of research. Research Revealed serves to acknowledge the ground-breaking work of the trainees within the University of Toronto; inspiring members of the university community and beyond



magnifying glass on a newspaper

Graduate Student Association at Scarborough (GSAS) publishes The Valley, UTSC's campus-wide journal that contain creative works by students, opinion sections, highlights of recent research and accomplishments of UTSC graduate students/postdocs and much more! This is a great opportunity for students at any stage in their career.You can submit current opinions, grad life & stories, creative works, UTSC stars, student research, calls for collaboration, etc. If you wish to submit, are interested in contributing, or have other ideas for submission categories, fill out the