
Green Path Special Meal Plan

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Green Path Meal Plan 2022-2023


Green Path Special Meal Plan

(This is a Summer Special Meal Plan available to students in the Green Path Program only. For students who on average will purchase 2 light meals a day, 5 days a week*)

Cost $$900
Duration3 months
Meal Plan $$780
13% Tax Savings$101

Meal Plans can be purchased online using any major Credit Card! A 1.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee will be applied to all Meal Plans purchased with a Credit Card. Meal Plans purchased in person with Debit or Cash will not be subject to the Credit Card Convenience Fee!

click here to purchase

Questions? Give us a call at (416) 208-2233 or email us at tcardplus@utoronto.ca. You can also drop by the UTSC Meal Plan/TCard+ office at Portable between the MW building and Joan Foley Hall!

*Average Use is based on average student eating habits using average price points for meals. This will vary from student to student. Actual use will depend on number of meals student has per day as well as cost per meal. 

**CIPE: Capital Improvement and Program Enhancement Fund is utilized for facility improvements, TCard Plus operations and program enhancements.