
Food Partnerships Rules and Regulations

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澳门六合彩开奖接口 Food Partnerships Rules and Regulations

Note: This document is in conjunction with Food Partnerships Operating Principles.

澳门六合彩开奖接口 Food Partnerships holds the power to determine how to manage each individual operation and how to best implement these rules and regulations.

1.1) Service to the University community

1.1.1) Food service operations on the Scarborough campus must follow the University鈥檚 policies on creating an inclusive environment. They must strive to cater to the diverse dietary needs of the University community, and ensure that nutritious food is available at competitive prices.

1.1.2) Food service operations must also aim to participate in the one-card meal plan system and other such value added programs which increase the convenience and accessibility of food services.

1.1.3) Where feasible, food service operations much provide vegan and vegetarian alternatives alongside meat options.

1.1.4) When possible, food service operations must follow the University of Toronto Halal Standards, and cater to different dietary restrictions.

1.1.5) When requested, food service operations must be equipped to provide smaller portion sizes.

1.1.6) When requested, food service operations must be able to cater to different allergies.

1.2) Student run operations (confirm if this is exactly how student run operations operate)

Note that these guidelines represent a minimum standard for all operations, and are outlined for student run operations below. The University may opt to apply additional requirements depending on the situation.

1.2.1) Students wishing to operate food service outlets on University property must submit a proposal to the University, describing their products, services, business plan and ability to comply with the terms described below; this may require participation in a competitive bid process in which commercial vendors are also invited to submit proposals.

1.2.2) Student operators must be part of, or affiliated with, an organization that accepts responsibility for their activities and holds insurance of at least $5 million general liability (plus any vehicle insurance if required).

1.2.3) Student operators, their staff and/or volunteers must have completed a Food Services safety training program approved by the University.

1.2.4) Food service outlets will be subject to Public Health inspections, and copies of inspection reports must be made available to the University upon request.

1.2.5) Student operators, or the organization they are affiliated with, must accept financial responsibility for their activities and cover operating, equipment and facilities costs as negotiated with the University.

1.2.6) Student operators must arrange to have designated responsible persons within their organization who will act as liaison with University and/or building representatives.

1.2.7) Student operators must comply with University policies and collective agreements.

1.2.8) Student operators are expected to respect the same operating principles as commercial operators (refer to Food Partnerships Operating Principles).

1.2.9) The organization responsible for the student operators must sign an agreement with the University that outlines the above.

1.3) Temporary Food Services

Temporary food services include barbeques, bake sales and pot lucks occurring on the Scarborough campus. Fundraising by recognized student groups, professional organizations or academic organizations through the sale of food is permitted on the condition that the food is prepared, stored and served in a safe environment, and the following conditions are met.

1.3.1) Approval to serve food must be obtained from Food Partnerships at least (3) business days prior to the event. Refer to the 鈥淔orms and Policies鈥 section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.2) The sale of food that does not fall under bake sales or barbeques is not permitted. In addition, the sale of meals or packaged meals is not permitted. Add statement about other foods (eg foods from other cultures)

1.3.3) Student groups fundraising through the sale of food must be registered with Student Life or SCSU.

1.3.5) An application form must be submitted to, and accepted by Food Partnerships at least (3) days prior to the event. Refer to the 鈥淔orms and Policies鈥 section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.6) The food preparation, storage and handling must follow City of Toronto Public Health guidelines and Scarborough Campus Safe Food Handling Guidelines.

1.3.7) Representatives from the fundraising group or organization must be present throughout the event, and are responsible for set up, clean up, and removal of food, garbage, tables, chairs, and signage.

1.3.8) The event must be held in the approved location during the time period specified by Food Partnerships Services.

1.3.9) Cooking of food by a temporary food services group is not permitted on University property. All food items must be cooked in a licensed kitchen prior to being brought into the University.

1.3.10) Sanitizer must be available at all times while food is being served.

1.3.11) 澳门六合彩开奖接口 Food Partnerships reserves the right to request an inspection of any event involving food.

1.3.12) The organizing group must agree to hold the University harmless in the event of any legal actions resulting from the food event.

1.3.13) Pot Lucks: A potluck is defined as members of a certain group providing individually prepared food from private kitchens for the purpose of eating together.

  • These events must be private events and not be open to the general public or student population. Refer to the Potlucks section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.14) Bake Sales: A bake sale is defined as fundraising through the sale of dry baked goods that will not spoil in the absence of refrigeration and are not potentially hazardous foods. Refer to the Bake Sales section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.15) Barbeques: A barbeque is defined as fundraising through the sale of barbequed hamburgers and hotdogs, and their vegetarian counterparts.

In addition to the above rules, refer to the Barbecues section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.16) Dining areas and spaces contracted to food service operations by the University are to be used by the contracted operations only. Groups wishing to partake in fundraising or activities other than eating, studying and socializing in these spaces must gain approval from 澳门六合彩开奖接口 Food Partnerships. Refer to the Temporary Food Services section on the Food and Beverage website.

1.3.17) Special events can be catered by third parties provided the food is prepared and handled by a licensed kitchen, and permission from Food Partnerships and the party responsible for the space has been obtained prior to the event.

2.1) Food Safety

2.1.1) All events must follow Federal, Provincial and Municipal food safety guidelines.

2.1.2) Events on the Scarborough Campus must follow the Scarborough Campus Safe Food Handling Guidelines.

2.1.3) In the event of a barbeque, bake sale, potluck or temporary food services, the rules listed in the corresponding section of the Food and Beverage website must be followed.

3.1) Operating Principles for University Operations

3.1.1) Food Partnerships is an ancillary operation within the 澳门六合彩开奖接口.

3.1.2) The primary mission of Food Partnerships operations is to provide service to the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 community in the form of a variety of high-quality, cost-effective food service outlets.

3.1.3) Food Partnerships operations consult regularly with its stakeholders to ensure expectations are being met.

3.1.4) Food Partnerships provide community engagement in educational learning initiatives, nutrition information, sustainable initiatives and social responsibility, continuous improvement, integrity and dedication to a positive working culture for the University community.

3.1.5) Food Partnerships operates in a competitive market environment and as an Ancillary Operation of the 澳门六合彩开奖接口, Food Partnerships must operate without subsidy from other University funds and maintain financial independence.

3.1.6) As an Ancillary Operation, Food Partnerships must report its financial performance annually to the Service Ancillary Review Group and the University Affairs Board of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto.

4.1) Environmental Responsibility

All food operations at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 must meet the minimum rules outlined below. The University holds authority to add to these rules in order to increase sustainable practices.

4.1.1) Conserving water

  • Food operations on campus will reduce water wastage during food preparation and cleaning.
  • Food operations on campus will comply with the bottled water ban, and not sell bottled water at the University.
  • Where feasible, food operations must also provide tap water in coolers, jugs, or a fountain, and refill a customer鈥檚 reusable water bottle at no charge.

4.1.2) Waste diversion and packaging

  • Operations will take measures to reduce packaging. Such measures will include the Lug a Mug program, reusable eco-tray containers, using china in residence cafeterias, bulk orders with minimal packaging, etc.
  • Food operations will move towards 100% biodegradable packaging for take-out containers, cups and cutlery.
  • Food operations, when possible, must provide eco-trays for take-out food.
  • All operations will implement back-of-house organic waste composting and recycling, as well as front-of-house composting and recycling. Front-of-house staff must remind customers to separate their waste properly. Waste diversion rates for front and back-of-house rates must approach 100%.

4.1.3) Food Procurement

  • When possible, food operations on campus will source produce, maple syrup and honey from campus farms and apiaries.
  • Food operations will ensure sustainable procurement of food and other materials. This includes sourcing local and local sustainable certified (LFP) foods when feasible, consolidating orders to reduce transportation, abiding by the Ocean Wise sustainable seafood watch list, and switching to fair trade products.
  • Food operations will work towards becoming Ocean Wise certified.
  • Food operations will attempt to move towards more fair trade coffee, tea, cocoa and other products.
  • Foodservice Operations must strive to serve food that is free of GMOs, hormones and anti-biotics.
  • Operators will strive to reduce the use of processed ingredients/foods in cafeterias and vending machines. When possible, operators will make food in house and from scratch to reduce energy consumption during processing, packaging and preservatives.
  • Menus will take seasonal food into account. When available, operators must aim to use local, local sustainable certified (LFP), and in-season ingredients.

4.1.4) Education

  • When feasible, staff of foodservice operations will take the initiative to educate customers about sustainable options. For example, front-of-house staff can ask if the customers: would like to eat in a reusable container, want to try the local menu or would like a smaller portion size so as to reduce waste.
  • Servers and front of house staff promote sustainable initiatives that the University is taking part in.

4.1.5) Cleaning products and energy resources

  • Cleaning products used in dining areas, cafeterias and food preparation areas will be natural based and environmentally safe.
  • Operators will ensure efficient use of energy resources in dining areas and cafeterias.
  • Foodservice operations must use unbleached biodegradable napkins.

4.1.6) Food service operations will ensure that vegetarian and vegan options hold the same taste-value as meat options.

4.1.7) Catering operations will provide clients with sustainable alternatives like using china, local sustainable menus, vegetarian menus, jugs of water, etc.

4.1.8) Catering operations are encouraged to comply with the University鈥檚 policy on bottled water.


漏 2020, Food Partnerships, Scarborough Campus, University of Toronto