
Boxed Meal Program

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Exclusive to students living in Residence, the Boxed Meal Program offers meal delivery right to your Residence front door

sample menu

Here is how it works:

  • As a Residence Student, you will receive menus with a rotating breakfast, lunch and dinner menu
  • All orders are placed online and your Meal Plan is automatically charged - Boxed Meals can only be purchased with a Meal Plan or TBucks
  • Purchasing with your Meal Plan will save you 13% in taxes
  • Meals are delivered right to your residence door 

Orders are placed through the Transact Mobile App

Click here to learn how to Download the APP


  1. Once you have downloaded the Mobile Ordering app on your device, you can launch the device and choose University of Toronto as your campus

  2. Click "Login with Campus ID"

  3. Login with your UTORid

  4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will land at your Home page


  1. After navigating to " Boxed Meal - UTSC", you will be presented with the option to place your order for Tomorrow

  2. Once you have all your meals added, click Checkout to complete payment

  3. Payment can only be made with Meal Plan or TBucks

  4. IMPORTANT: Before you can confirm you

  5. r order and complete payment, you will be prompted to enter your residence room information along with your phone number and any other dietary restrictions. Be sure to enter this information correctly so we can deliver your food to the right address!

If you are not on the email list and want to be, email food@utsc.utoronto.ca


Upcoming Menus: