
Sara Saljoughi

Sara Saljoughi
Associate Professor
Telephone number
Building HW 324
On Leave 2024-2025

Sara Saljoughi's research focuses on questions of aesthetics and politics, particularly in relation to non-Western and postcolonial cinema and the legacies of international counter-cinema. Her approach to non-Western cinemas is interdisciplinary and theoretical, drawing on the subfields of film theory, feminist theory, and postcolonial studies. Her essays have been published in Camera Obscura, Feminist Media Histories, Iranian Studies, Film Criticism, and Film International. She is co-editor of the book 1968 and Global Cinema (Wayne State University Press, 2018). Professor Saljoughi is currently completing a monograph on collectivity in Iranian cinema during the 1960s and 1970s. Her second project, which draws from her background in immigration and diaspora studies, is a book titled Stateless Cinemas: Aesthetics, Autonomy, Mobility. The book is a comparative study of the cinemas of stateless peoples. Professor Saljoughi is also a co-editor of Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture.

Recently, she was a Mellon Early Career Fellow in the Aesthetic Education project at the Jackman Humanities Institute. Her research has been supported by grants and fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, American Council of Learned Societies, Social Science Research Council (USA), and the Connaught Foundation, among other fellowships and awards. 

Research Interests

Cinema Studies; Critical Theory; Postcolonial Studies; Iran and the Middle East; Women's Studies; Immigration and Diaspora Studies