
Mar 26: Black Creatives Series

Black Creatives Series: Vol 3. Author photos of Hill, Jones, Chariandy, Mutonji

We are delighted to invite you to join UTSC's Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office (EDIO) for the latest installment of their Black Creatives series.

On Friday 26 March, they will host a panel of extraordinary Black Canadian creators: Lawrence Hill, David Chariandy, our Writer-in-Residence El Jones, and an award-winning alumni of our creative writing program, T茅a Mutonji.

Join us to hear the panelists' thoughts on how COVID-19 and anti-Black Racism have uniquely impacted the lives of Black folks in creative industries. Topics will focus on experiences with personal identities, navigating the various industries as a black creative, and lessons taken in advocacy. In addition to looking at diversity and representation, the event will focus on finding the tools to create spaces that contribute to disrupting the status quo and the importance of representation in creative fields and its effect on underrepresented populations, particularly Black communities.

Black Creatives Series, Vol 3

Friday 26 March, 12:00-1:30pm (EST)

Please visit the following link for further details and to register: 

You can contact the EDIO with any questions at edio.utsc@utoronto.ca

black creatives poster

Lawrence Hill David Chariandy El Jones Tea Mutonji