
Feb 18: Transforming Stigma & Shame - Screening

Film still from Torching the Dusties: An older woman in a purple tank top looks through binoculars

Transforming the Stigma and Shame Associated with Age-related Illness

Thursday, 18 February 2021

3pm-4.30pm (GMT).

Professor Marlene Goldman will be presenting her two short films, Piano Lessons and Torching the Dusties. The online film screenings will then be followed by a talk, with responses from Jessie Stanier and Kazuki Yamada.

Please register for this event with .

This screening is part of the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health Seminar Series, in collaboration with the Shame and Medicine Project. You can visit them at

Would you like to learn more about Prof. Goldman's work, or arrange a meeting to talk with her? Check her faculty profile for research and teaching interests as well as her office hours availability.