
Explore UTSC's Place on Film

"How does a real place become an imaginary space? And what makes us believe in it?"
--Prof. Alice Maurice, "UTSC in the Movies"

Our department's Literature & Film Professors Sara Saljoughi and Alice Maurice have assembled "UTSC in the Movies," which is a historical, architectural, and cinematic tour of our campus as a popular film location, as well as a thoughtful discussion of the nature of "place" and "location". You can learn about our iconic departmental home, the Andrews Building (or H-Wing), which has fascinated decades of filmmakers, and get a taste of the theoretical ideas which underpin our interpretations of film.

If you're missing our campus home, or if you're curious about what UTSC looks and feels like (and its place in cinematic history), or if you're just a really big fan of the movies -- do give it a watch!

And if you like what you see and hear here, you might want to explore our Literature & Film Studies MinorThere's lots more where this came from...

a film-still collage of UTSC (and specifically the H-Wing) from cinema history


Would you like to learn more about Prof. Saljoughi's or Prof. Maurice's work, or arrange a meeting to talk with either of them? Check their faculty profiles for research and teaching interests as well as their office hours availability.