
ENGD18: Enlightenment Orientalisms (Topics in the Long 18th C.)

ENGD18: Enlightenment Orientalisms (Topics in the Long 18th C.)


Course Name: Topics in the Long 18th Century -- Enlightenment Orientalisms

Instructor: Prof. Anne Milne

Course Description: The focus for this seminar will be on eighteenth-century English readings of and representations of Persian/Ottoman (Turkish) texts and cultures. We will be utilizing and extending the cultural critical work begun by Edward Said in Orientalism in 1978. The primary texts we will be reading are Arabian Nights Entertainments (the first English translation from Antoine Galland鈥檚 French translation, 1704-6), Lady Mary Wortley Montagu鈥檚 Turkish Embassy Letters (wr. 1717-18, pub. 1763), and William Beckford鈥檚 Vathek (1786). There will be some shorter readings as well, such as poetry and excerpts from The Travels of Mirza by Abu Taleb Khan (c.1810).

Course Features: This counts as a pre-1900 credit. You can explore your specific program requirements in our Programs & Courses section.

Learn more about Prof. Milne's teaching and research, as well as how to contact her with any questions.


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