
ENGD02: Teaching Academic Writing: Theories, Methods, and Service Learning

ENGD02: Teaching Academic Writing: Theories, Methods, and Service Learning



Course Name: Teaching Academic Writing: Theories, Methods, and Service Learning

Instructor: Prof. Maria Assif

Course Description: This yearlong course explores the theories and practices of teaching academic writing, mostly in middle and secondary school contexts as well as university writing instruction and/or tutoring in writing. Through its 60-hour service-learning component, the course also provides student educators the practical opportunities for the planning and delivering of these instruction techniques in different teaching contexts. This is a great opportunity for students looking for practical applications to theoretical concepts, teaching-related opportunities in Canada and abroad, and courses aligned with the upcoming joint program in English and Teaching (2020-2021).

Course Features: An inter-disciplinary approach to writing and a service-learning component that helps students connect with the larger community

Delivery Menthod: ENGD02 will be offered exclusively online. However, the community partnership/service component (i.e., teaching placement) component will be mostly face-to-face. This placement will occur during the Winter term, and will be an average of 5 hours per week. To balance this placement work, class meetings will take place every other week during Winter term. UTSC's Office of Experiential Learning and Community Partnership will take care of all the placement logistics, starting from September 2020.

Learn more about when this course is offered by checking out the UTSC Calendar!

Interested in learning more about Professor Assif's role in the department, or arranging a meeting? Check out her faculty profile for research and teaching interests as well as office hours availability.


CIick HERE to explore the full list of our current course offerings.


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