
ENGC87: Creative Writing Fiction II

ENGC87: Creative Writing Fiction II


Course Name: Creative Writing -- Fiction II

Instructor: Alyx Dellamonica

Course Description: This C-level course in our Creative Writing offers an intensive study of the writing of fiction through creative practice. You will work through short writing exercises and full stories, as well as practicing the gentle art of peer critique in a safe workshop environment. Readings and discussions will home in on techniques for drafting and editing strong stories about the things you care about most… and thereby finding your voice.

Course Features & Delivery: Taught by award-winning writer Alyx Dellamonica, this is an all-genres course: in your first story you will work in the genre of contemporary literary fiction, and then you can move into the genre of your choosing. Fiction II will be wholly online and asynchronous, with lecture viewing, assignments and workshop feedback due at midnight every Thursday before the next class week begins. Each student will schedule one remote face to face meeting with the instructor to discuss their stories, the writing world, publishing, and their aspirations for their writing.

Pre-Requisites: , and admission to the Creative Writing Major or Minor. Click here for details on our Creative Writing programs.

Click to contact Alyx Dellamonica with any questions.


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